Scott's guitar playing these days...

Just guitars aren't Anthrax. Just drums, bass, or vocals by themselves. It's all of it. Charlie can drum all he wants, but without Scott playing the power chords that go with the song or whatever riff at that time, it's just Charlie drumming. You're still missing Bush bellowing out the vocals, Rob's lead and currently, Joey's bass playing. It's the sum of it all.
Look at White Zombie. Rob Zombie on his own doesn't compare to White Zombies sound or vibe.
When you go to a Thrax concert, Scott's still playing those old songs the way they were written, with those riffs. So if you like the old school songs, go check out a Thrax concert and enjoy yourself.
thenotman said:
Hi prime666, how ya doing?? I'm off to a tough start on this board but I want to speak the truth! I hope you do too. Always stand up for what yu believe and refuse to be denied!
Power chords are great, there's nothing wrong with writing a fucking easy riff as long as it's good.
But it seems like if Scott varied his chords and did vibratos and pinch harmonics and changes in tempo and different time signatures maybe he would win over new fans. It would gve Anthrax more colour, and if he got a teacher he would have a more varied palette.
Like I said he doesn't have to be Steve Vai but it would be jolly good if he even tried to be creative.
Scott was brilliant all the way up to Sound but then he just kinda lost interest.
Ever heard the saying: Standing still is the fastest way to fall behind in a fast and ever changing world. 10 steps forward 100 steps back. I think the guys above are starting to feel embarassed about their narrowminded and rude comments.
Like I said before, how many fucking albums have you sold? Sit down and try to play some of the shit that they play, that'll give you a tad bit of respect for what they play. I used to say that certain guitar players suck until I picked up a guitar and started trying to play it myself. If you dont like what Scott is playing and you want to hear fucking Zakk Wylde (who kicks ass) pinch harmonics and vibrato, then get your rig together, sit down with a pen and start writing my man. You'll soon find out that each guitar player developes their own sound, be it straight power chords or running scales like a mother fucker or both. Like Mr. Wu (you might want to read that post closely) said, "It's all about the song". Call me narrow-minded but there's nothing like a good power chord or chugging riff to singe the fucking hair on your balls and make you put your fucking hands in the air and say "Fuck Yeah!!". Fucking people trying to tell the musicians that make a living at music how to play or what to play...thats some comical shit. Like I said before, if you don't like what people are playing and you think you can do better, start shredding and come up with something better. Criticizing something is easy until you actually try it yourself.
I really hate the argument "you can't play as good as "so and so" so you cant have an opinion." This is never a valid argument. I can't direct a movie but I still can have an opinion on one, right? I can't throw a spiral like Tim Couch but I still think he sucks. Is that okay? I can't paint a picture but I still think Thomas Kincade is some kind of curse on the world.

That said

The songs are the focus. How it all gels is whats important. Scott is still the man and the songs are not suffering.
Charlie has been writing the bulk of the music since Spreading the Disease, so your bone of contention is 19 years too late. I'll let Charlie know he can stop writing music now. I'm sure he'll be relieved. Then I'll let Neil Peart know he doesn't need to write Rush's lyrics anymore, as the singer should do that. And Steve, whoever heard of a bass player writing songs by himself? That Killers album was a mistake!
Not everyone who listens to Anthrax is a guitar player who gives a shit about how easy or difficult a certain riff is to play. I don't care if a five year old can play an Anthrax riff, if the song is good it's good.
Cincy Vigilante said:
I really hate the argument "you can't play as good as "so and so" so you cant have an opinion." This is never a valid argument. I can't direct a movie but I still can have an opinion on one, right? I can't throw a spiral like Tim Couch but I still think he sucks. Is that okay? I can't paint a picture but I still think Thomas Kincade is some kind of curse on the world.

That said

The songs are the focus. How it all gels is whats important. Scott is still the man and the songs are not suffering.
Sure, you can have an opinion on anything you want but people shouldnt be so quick to point out what they think is somebodys shortcomings until they try what they are doing. Its respect for an artform, simple as that. Opinions are cheap and criticism is even cheaper especially when a person has never tried to do what they are criticizing. Like I stated earlier, if you dont like what you see or hear, create something inspiring and when someone comes along and criticizes it, you'll probably feel like telling them to get fucked. It is so easy to criticize and point fingers at people that you think are doing a bad job at something but once you try it yourself and see how many hours they spend working at their craft, you might have a different view of what they are doing. There is a reason those people are performers, athletes, and artists and it's not by some stroke of luck. Think about that next time that you go to criticize something.
attention the notman,dont worry what your friends are saying,i used to have a friend that was quite a good guitarist and he would constantly put down everything,if u like it listen to it!!!

power chords are basically 90 percent of whatever anthrax have done!!!!!!!!!

it is a little strange that scott doesnt write a couple tunes but i have a feeling it would be a more punk thing and it isnt what anthrax are about,scott has said in many interviews that him doing the lyrics and charlie writing was just something that happened.

you could say the same thing for kirk hammett,maybe not thru his fault but i doubt he has written more than a couple riffs let alone full songs!!!

and if u wanna go further jason newstead probably never even wrote a riff in metallica,james hetfield had full control over how the bass lines went,whatever works for the band and anthrax is still no 1 for me,charlie is just getting good at what he does lol!
thenotman said:
Joe Petrucci of Dream Theatre practices 12 hours a day
My're a dumbass...and yet you feel the need to criticize people's spelling and bad grammar...

It's JOHN Petrucci, you dumbass!...and it's Dream THEATER, you fuck...not Dream THEATRE, you Sym X suck ass!

Jesus Christ...if you're gonna whine...get it right, bitch!
really hate the argument "you can't play as good as "so and so" so you cant have an opinion." This is never a valid argument.
Both of Slappy's points are based on this... Hey Slappy, can I have you're permission to say whether I like brown bread or not, even though I don't make it?? You wasted all hat time typing typing that argument dude.

[/QUOTE]Not everyone who listens to Anthrax is a guitar player who gives a shit about how easy or difficult a certain riff is to play. I don't care if a five year old can play an Anthrax riff, if the song is good it's good.
Thank you for your opinion and I feel the same. Quite a few of Scott's riffs are easy o play and still kick ass. But why would he just hand his job to Charlie/ not try and do the supreme riffing he did in the past?? Like I said, the riffs aren't as creative as they used to be. The most basic of drumbeats can work, but if that's all you're doing (Phil Rudd) then it becomes saddening. Change, variety, challenge, dynamics and surprizes all seem like a good thing to me.
Opinions are cheap and criticism is even cheaper
I guess you're not allowed to criticize my posts then.. Huh?? Is that it?? Too cheap for ya?? Too late.
It's JOHN Petrucci, you dumbass!...and it's Dream THEATER, you fuck...not Dream THEATRE, you Sym X suck ass!
I made a misake with Joe (I admit to it), it must make me a bad person, right?? I bet it makes you really bad that I did spell theatre right because the rest of the world besides America spells it that way. haha
My're a dumbass...and yet you feel the need to criticize people's spelling and bad grammar...
I did it because “I Don’t Die” tried to state it as fact that I don’t know anything about music. Must I just keep quiet about it? Come on!!

Just calling a person names is a sure sign of no argument being put across.
Well, I'd actually like to thank all of you for all your posts, let's hear people's opinions about the fact that Scott can obviously still play the 80's stuff which made people sit up and take notice but refuses to show his technigue for the last 3 albums. Is that a reason why sales are so bad and why every one is giing them shit. I tell you man, I like a band that gives their all, like Tool.
This is my final response on this subject.....I was watching a show today about the 50 greatest NBA moments and for some strange reason when I saw Michael Jordan come in at first place it made me think about this thread. During Jordans' first years in the NBA, he was dunking from the foul line, driving the baseline, dribbling circles around people and driving into the paint to dunk over 7'1" Centers on a regular basis. As his career progressed, he became less likely to do those things during every game, settling for a fade-away jump shot instead. I had many of my friends say that Jordan was losing his game and that he should go ahead and retire. But when you looked at the box score at the end of the game, you would see that he had still scored 30+ points and his defense had vastly improved. Did that make him any less effective of a player? No, the Bulls were still winning championships with him leading the team in scoring. My point is this, while some think that Scotts' guitar playing has slipped and that he needs to take lessons, it is still effective and that's what counts. One final thought, I dont know how many people watched VH1s' Most Awesomely Bad Song special that they have been showing the last couple of weeks but I noticed that not one musician was used to do commentary during that show. It was all comedians, critics, or magazine writers that, more than likely, have never written a song in their life. Wonder why no musicians were used?
Notman....... Scott is the rhythm guitarist in the band. He has always used power chords, and that is his style.His playing hasnt ever really changed.I have seen Thrax and SOD , believe me Scott still plays all his songs the same way he always has. His equiptment has changed over the years but thats about it.

Playing along with Scott when i was learning how to play guitar over 10 years ago taught me about playing in time and how to be so fucking tight with your rhythm playing, and am forever gratefull. Id like to see you play Chromatic Death. Fuck You!!!
i will add that it has been said in many magazines,that scotts rythm playing is second to malcolm young,buy the way does anyone ever talk about malcolm!

as for john petrucci practicing all hours every day who cares,i aint a fan of it,its obvious he can play but its fucking boring!!!
Heres my opinion on this topic.

I think Scott's machine like rythym is damn near flawless. Yeah, so he dosesn't know how to play lead guitar well. So what? His rythym guitar is excellent. Never saw him screw up before and I've seen them many, many times.

Who cares who writes the songs? Either you like the song or you don't.

So Anthrax utilizes a lot of Power Chord's. Big deal. That's their 'Schtick'.
No one would ever buy an AC/DC record and like it, if it sounded like Skid Row. You come to expect certain sounds out of certain bands.

And my final thought.
I think your an ass for starting this crap. Stop preaching about the 'Truth'. You sound like a moron. Go back to your Metallica board, and FUCK OFF. Maybe you'd have more respect around here if you've posted in the past and people kind of know who you are. To just start posting the junk that your posting is a waste of time.
Have you used the username 'Sergio' in the past?
Wow Hostile board!!! Well here are my five cents, I use to listen to Anthrax a lot in the old days. I kinda let it go when they changed the singer... Scott is a symbol of Metal, he isn't the greatest technically then again he never was. But he and these boys shaped the metal scene SOME. How many bands can say that? A handful, his mosh style on the stage is known by all that listen to anykind of metal. He is still good but other guitarist have gone fanatical taking and progressing the guitar sound/style further, a natural step in this kind of music. He is still the man in my eyes... Power chords or not. If people, as it seems reading the posts, finds his style undernourished then perhaps it is time for them to find a new band that has gone in a more technical? Call me crazy!!