Scott's Twitter


Dec 16, 2002
"Really good day.... the light at the end of the tunnel just got a wee bit brighter."

This could mean anything - yes - but I'm hopeful it means what we're all hoping it means.
It only gotta mean one thing.

J____ B_____ is back.

Crossing my fingers.

Always comical how those intitials could mean 2 different people in Anthrax's past. But seriously, I think there's only one guy they'd even consider to move forward with (note I said move forward, not go backwards for nostalgia).
Always comical how those intitials could mean 2 different people in Anthrax's past. But seriously, I think there's only one guy they'd even consider to move forward with (note I said move forward, not go backwards for nostalgia).

Always comical how those intitials could mean 2 different people in Anthrax's past. But seriously, I think there's only one guy they'd even consider to move forward with (note I said move forward, not go backwards for nostalgia).

Nostalgia is the reason why they lost Bush in the first place. Don't remind me please, otherwise we'd be waiting on the follow up LP of WCFYA's follow up.
Royal Straight Flush.

Or it could also mean Redneck Special Forces, Right Said Fred, Rentable Square Feet, Reduced Saturated Fat, Red Strike Force, or the Roadway Safety Foundation!
It's gotta be about Bush, I'm sure they're just working out the financial details now and he will be back full-time. Since day 1 Anthrax has been Scott and Charlie but now to me JOHN is Anthrax. This is my prediction and hope.
I guess i will my father's day Borders Book Store Gift Card now for something else other than "Worship Music".
He twitted this today:

Got some great news today. How do ya like that? Forward motion or death. That's what sharks say. #fb

Forward motion? That can't be negative I guess...