Screamers... Ugh.

I like ZoS for the exercises, but I'd slap the fucker in the face if he started pulling pig squeals. Don't be afraid to tell him you don't think the voice is any good, have him practice and rely on power (NOT throat-squeezing) for the sound.

Proper technique is a must. Plus, I think it'll help a vocalist's confidence, too- it's a fuller sound, easier on their voice and it's way louder, all stuff that's readily apparent.
Another option for the mic cuppers and those who can't perform the same without holding the mic is to give them a mic to hold in their hand and put them in front of a mic on a stand with a pop filter, absurdly enough seems to make them a lot more comfortable waving the thing about in their hand even though it isn't even connected.
Alright, little bit of an update.... I told them about the Zen of Screaming DVD, and apparently, he has it... :lol: I was like damn, we're striking out like crazy. And last night the singer wasn't there, so the guitar player who can actually do "good" inhales, (flame suit on), we tried that, and everyone, including myself liked it... I was surprised with how loud he could do them... Impressive, but anyway, this got the band to talking. "Kick out the singer? Move guitar player onto vox and get a new guitar player that is better than our current players?" I told them that I felt, for the style of music they're playing, they're lacking in the vocal department, and guitar department. Drums are fine, and bass, well bass is bass... Sounds fine. So this other guitar player supposedly is a "shredder", which they need. So now they're in a predicament. Kick out a friend, and take the band to the next level, etc... So I told them, I'm going to Delaware for the weekend, you guys get things sorted out and we'll go next week. :loco:

Is this ,,inhale screaming,,? It really sounds like shit, i would kick my singer in the head for singing like that...
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Alright, little bit of an update.... I told them about the Zen of Screaming DVD, and apparently, he has it... :lol: I was like damn, we're striking out like crazy. And last night the singer wasn't there, so the guitar player who can actually do "good" inhales, (flame suit on), we tried that, and everyone, including myself liked it... I was surprised with how loud he could do them... Impressive, but anyway, this got the band to talking. "Kick out the singer? Move guitar player onto vox and get a new guitar player that is better than our current players?" I told them that I felt, for the style of music they're playing, they're lacking in the vocal department, and guitar department. Drums are fine, and bass, well bass is bass... Sounds fine. So this other guitar player supposedly is a "shredder", which they need. So now they're in a predicament. Kick out a friend, and take the band to the next level, etc... So I told them, I'm going to Delaware for the weekend, you guys get things sorted out and we'll go next week. :loco:

Hahaha, wow, smart choice to stay the hell out of that one!
With inward singing, non-stop rocking is possible.



Hahahahahahaa, too long! :lol:

Though that American Idol douche needs to be eradicated from the Earth - both for his horrible singing style and his bad fucking attitude, both of which are so characteristic of the current "emo" scene