Screamfest gig- report

I'm recording the whole program...

EDIT: 1:46 and NOTHING!!

EDIT Nº2: SHIT!!!! the radio put 'Oceans Rise' from TAC, not the entire song. No live recordings...
Oooh my, I hope you're kidding me. WTF is this? I was sitting in the front of this computer for 2 hours and I hear nothing but things NOT related to Borknagar. It pissed me off, fuck :@

PD: By the way, I'm Jorge from Argentina. I'm not new here, but my english is really bad. For that reason I never posted anything.
Borknagar just on. :) It would have been good if the recordings had been done at the fest. The interviews would be good if I could understand. I wish I spoke norwegian :mad: At least I understood the one with Sodom. :rock:

Ah well I thought the songs were going to be from the gig, pity. Did you record it?

And now they're playing disco! :rock: :kickass:

I love student radio.

Yeah I really like it too! Even though I don't really understand much (anything hehe), it's always fun to hear it. Yesterday there was some tropical music, nice!

Studentradion i Trondheim! :kickass:

Oooh my, I hope you're kidding me. WTF is this? I was sitting in the front of this computer for 2 hours and I hear nothing but things NOT related to Borknagar. It pissed me off, fuck :@

PD: By the way, I'm Jorge from Argentina. I'm not new here, but my english is really bad. For that reason I never posted anything.

¡Bienvenido Jorge! Tu inglés es bastante bueno en realidad, no te preocupes por eso; nada más no escribas tantas malas palabras, no es bonito :p .

Ah y visita, es una página muy buena, encontrarás muchas cosas :) .
Yeah I really like it too! Even though I don't really understand much (anything hehe), it's always fun to hear it. Yesterday there was some tropical music, nice!


I think I have a new favorite international radio station!

And, overall, I liked the show. I liked that it played a few different bands. I had never heard of Nightengale before, and I liked what I heard. And it was good to hear some Sodom again, it's been a while! The Keep of Kalessin was just outstanding, and now I'm seriously regretting missing them when they played in Seattle.
check the Dan Swano forum. Dag put up bootleg MP3s of their portion of the show!

Ok I will, thanks! :)


I think I have a new favorite international radio station!

And, overall, I liked the show. I liked that it played a few different bands. I had never heard of Nightengale before, and I liked what I heard. And it was good to hear some Sodom again, it's been a while! The Keep of Kalessin was just outstanding, and now I'm seriously regretting missing them when they played in Seattle.

:yow: bad girl, bad! They're really good, Dan Swanö is quite the eclectic guy. And it's Nightingale :p , check them out!

Now listening to some rock/reggae in Studentradion i Trondheim. Reggae is probably my least favourite music genre, but I don't mind listening to one song every now and then. Only one song, the rhythm gets on my nerves after a while hehe.
I'll try my best.

Borknagar: For me, Borknagar was this days main attraction.
Since Lars had better things to do (birth = good reason), and with this being the last time with Asgeir behind the drums, there was something
extraordinary about this show.
Some of the harmonies did off course not make it into the show, but a missing keyboard did not ruin the experience.
The people I was in contact with saw it as an unique opportunity to hear this version of Borknagar, and with the cancellation from yesterday
still in our minds, Borknagar managed to turn the situation to their advantage.
The sum of a missing instrument and a band that seemed more ready than ever, was a performance that was more aggressive, direct and
with sharper edges that before - something that fit the occasion perfectly. As usual Andreas sings like a god, and when he lifts off, the whole
audience lifts off with him. It is nothing less than magnificent to hear Colossus performed by Vintersorg.
A bit of technical problems stopped the band from playing the song before the last song (Translators note: The Genuine Pulse), and with a
set list that wasn't really very long (45 minutes), an already short concert became a bit too short for me.
A lot always wants more (Translators note: It's a Norwegian saying). This is off course not something Borknagar can be held responsible for, and
the length of Screamfest can be discussed somewhere else, but from my point of view, a band of this caliber should be allowed to shoot with
a bit more gunpowder than they were given here.
Arse. Having seen that setlist, I'm even more annoyed that I couldn't make it. When it was first announced, I was determined to make the trip across the North Sea, but sadly, a lack of money got in the way :-( As someone else said, come over to the UK. I'll be stood right there at the front with them...
I'll try my best.

Borknagar: For me, Borknagar was this days main attraction.
Since Lars had better things to do (birth = good reason), and with this being the last time with Asgeir behind the drums, there was something
extraordinary about this show.
Some of the harmonies did off course not make it into the show, but a missing keyboard did not ruin the experience.
The people I was in contact with saw it as an unique opportunity to hear this version of Borknagar, and with the cancellation from yesterday
still in our minds, Borknagar managed to turn the situation to their advantage.
The sum of a missing instrument and a band that seemed more ready than ever, was a performance that was more aggressive, direct and
with sharper edges that before - something that fit the occasion perfectly. As usual Andreas sings like a god, and when he lifts off, the whole
audience lifts off with him. It is nothing less than magnificent to hear Colossus performed by Vintersorg.
A bit of technical problems stopped the band from playing the song before the last song (Translators note: The Genuine Pulse), and with a
set list that wasn't really very long (45 minutes), an already short concert became a bit too short for me.
A lot always wants more (Translators note: It's a Norwegian saying). This is off course not something Borknagar can be held responsible for, and
the length of Screamfest can be discussed somewhere else, but from my point of view, a band of this caliber should be allowed to shoot with
a bit more gunpowder than they were given here.

Mange takk! :)

And 45 minutes for Bork is a crime, too many albums, too little time :mad: .