SD video premiere... my mix

i really like how the guitars sound, very clear and punchy!
the music does not really fit my taste:D

This other track is so fucking awesome. Mike Heller is one hell of a drummer. James your fucking drum sound's are always so fucking awesome. It sound's like a better more refined version of your aborted mix which is also fucking awesome. I def have to buy this cd when it comes out.

yeah, Heller is a major up-and-comer in the metal drummer stakes, for sure... he's really into fusion too, and attends The Drummer's Collective in NYC.

thanks again, for all the kind words... really glad to see that you guys are digging it.
the whole CD is up for streaming now (sans bonus track) on

EDIT: For those who have a deficit in their ability to discern the obvious... this is, at best, a medium quality internet stream... and does not do the actual CD total justice.... no, it's about like a myspace stream. So far the best stream that's still up is on the official video for "The Apex Doctrine", to be found on Metal Blade's YT channel.
I refuse to ride your dick on this one.

The vocals are buried, especially the girls. Listing to this on AKG K240 Studios. It really doesn't sound too bad other than that. Guitars could be a little clearer.
^ i don't mind whatever you think about it... but I didn't put this in the "rate my mix" thread because i wont be changing anything. the mix is done, and it sounds great; to me, to the band, to the label, and to most everyone else who's heard it. That stream, as well as their myspace stream, doesn't sound too good at all... but the vocals & guitars sound great, clear, and more than loud enough on the actual CD, as well as on the better quality streams that were up at one point. So, you're judging it based on a shitty stream anyway.

also... you have no idea at all what went into mixing this, nor the state of the tracks when i received them... the tracking quality was poor, especially the vocals (muddy, and went from ultra-low-level to clipping-like-mad, all in the same line)... and no, I didn't track it, i only mixed.

It's all well and good to be an "armchair quarterback" and try, "post-game", to call the shots you would've made, from the comfort and safety of your living room... but, as i already mentioned, all the concerned parties are extremely happy with the final result. And for the record: myself, the label reps, and the band themselves have all listened to these mixes on a wide range of systems and collectively decided on the vocal & guitar levels and eq, and we are all quite happy with our decisions... "dick-riding" notwithstanding.

you're welcome to your opinion all the same, but there was zero need for the "refuse to ride your dick" comment… that was just plain nasty, especially given that you're clearly listening to an inferior quality stream, and not the CD... and it was that comment which spurred this particular response... had you just offered your criticism, without the nasty remark, i'd have simply pointed out the streaming-quality issue, and left it at that.
In my vehicle and my monitors, fuck even on my iPhone's built-in speaker, the vocals are not even remotely buried and the guitars sound great - even if it is a lower quality stream the mix stands up really well. I've heard higher quality versions as well and it just gets better. Maybe I should get some AKG 45X200J-platinum badass motherfucking headphones so I can hear shit with the skewed perspective that headphones are notorious for. After which I can talk shit in an extremely uncalled for and unfounded manner too!
nothing buried, everything perfect imo.
in fact, when James showed me this some time ago "perfectly balanced" was the first thing that came to my mind.

I too refuse to ride his dick though way too hairy
just found it in a local shop.
cool credit on the back, really visible, inpossible to not read "mixed and mastered by James Murphy", really nice.
also bought Stuck Mojo's the great revival today...everyone buy that one as well (after you bought SD)
Sick video and ridiculous mix dude, just utterly ridiculous. You sir, are full of win in all respects.

One thing that has me perplexed about this band though, and this is nothing to do with them musically, is the marketing. I'm wondering if you could shed some light on this...

Now, call me strange, but I don't ever remember any band being this hyped-up and anticipated in like... ever. I mean, I heard/watched the album trailer for the first time about 3 months back (or at least it feels that long ago, it may not have been). That's all well and good, still a rarity to have a trailer for an album but still, thought it was well done and well placed. But then I saw a trailer for... A MUSIC VIDEO!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE SMOKING?! Trailers for TV programs, Films, DVD's, fine. But it's as if someone was standing there with a megaphone on top of a mountain shouting "YOU MUST ANTICIPATE THIS! ANTICIPATE IT OR YOU WILL HAVE NO FRIENDS!" :lol: Crazy fuckin shit, having like a 1 min trailer for a 3 and a half minute video.
System Divide needs a session guitarist for a US tour, so only us people reply i guess.

Im helping systemdivide/sven out finding one, i have a drumtracks and tabs for you, so hit me up here or at all the info and hopefully they will have a good session guitarist, and a forummember a cool tour with a good band :)
