SD2.0 and MF issue


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So I go out today and get both Superior Drummer 2.0 and The Metal Foundry. Thinking all will be well I go to install SD2.0 and everything goes well, go for Metal Foundry, crashes with a error saying that the library cannot be copied, check the CD, there is a pretty decent scratch on disk 2 and the files on it won;t install either by the installer or the manual install, crashes the explorer on both windows 7 64-bit and Windows XP 32-bit to the point of restart. So my question, is there anyway to get replacement CD's from toontracks or would I need to return them to where I bought them?

IIRC, there was someone who had that issue with SD2.0, can't remember if they were on here. Anyway of fixing the issue?
Definitely take it back immediately to the point of purchase for an exchange. The longer you wait, the slimmer your chances of the store being willing/having a policy to believe you that the disc was scratched right out of the box.
I could be wrong, but once you register it doesn't it put a copy of the installer in your download area on Toontrack's site? I don't own Metal Foundry, but it did that for all my EZX packs.
I had similar issues with Metal Foundry.
Fortunately for me just rubbing the faulty disc with my shirt seemed to do the trick :cool:
I had previously installed the web download of Metal Foundry and now that I have the full install I seem to have issues installing the update. It keeps wanting to update the web install and giving me errors.
I guess deleting the web install is the only way to fix this?
It's REALLY common (and it sucks).

Contact toontrack and they will send new discs.

Actually, not to scare you but even after TT sent new discs I still had bad sectors all over the fucking thing, so I had to contact them again to give me those specific files.

Basically, whatever they are using to write the metal foundry discs fucking sucks.
This is what I had to do to get it to fully install:

First I took the discs to have them professionally buffed with a machine (went to a family video, fucking $2 a disc but I didn't care).

Next I ran toast and created disc images of all of them with read error protection or something like that on so it wouldn't spin the discs so damn fast.

I had 3 files that were fucked and riddled with bad sectors, so I made note of them and sent an email to toontrack asking for those files. They obliged and uploaded those 3 to my account plus one other commonly problematic one on toontrack.

I downloaded and replaced it in my directory.

But I agree, fucking $150 is to much to have a library that's fucked up. I would have rather had 11 discs that were not dual layer if it meant a easier install without headache.
Actually, not to scare you but even after TT sent new discs I still had bad sectors all over the fucking thing, so I had to contact them again to give me those specific files.

Basically, whatever they are using to write the metal foundry discs fucking sucks.

tried manually installing the other disks, and found that even the undamaged (without a scratch) ones have bad sectors so I am still missing 3GB of files so far.

I noticed that the CDs are really thin, even in low light you can see through their magnetic layer, which means they are probably so light that they are not staying magnetized as that is what can cause a bad sector.

basically what I am finding out is that it will either crash or say the file cannot be copied due to a redundancy error on the disk.
The Metal Foundry discs have known issues. I had an issue with 2 of the discs. My solution was copying the files on my laptop and then transfering them using a USB flash drive. I know it is a PITA but it worked. Like other have said, contact Toontrack to get new discs.
So I found which ones I am missing: 5 10 12 16 17 18, seems CD 4 was the worst. I will hit you up on MSN!

After Checking the type of error, and the fact that I had the same error on another CD that I just installed a few days ago on Win7 happen when I tried it on XP gives me the idea that the DVD drive is going out (as that can result from a going drive and its pretty old). Still doesn't help that the density of the magnetic material on the DVD's are paper thin (and they are dual layered no less), a .99 home use blank CD has a more dense medium than these massively sized DVD's, pathetic on toontracks part.
Well now I am having an even bigger problem, and it seems toontracks support is quite crap beyond contacting them, their manuals do not have any sort of troubleshooting at all. So if any experienced users could figure this one out for me. Most of my DAW plugins will not work on Win7 64 (and the presets on SD are not being install/working) so I decided to move everything back to WinXP 32 (on the same HDD). As I had already installed the libraries on the Storage drive partition, I just installed SD onto XP but for some reason SD will not does not recognized either metal foundry or avatar as a library and is defaulting to Superior library, however, the user presets are now working in XP. What gives? Anyone shed the light on how to get the libraries working, I was able to do it with Metal Foundry in Win7 but I can't do it for either library in XP.

Seems kind of stupid to ask toontrack about it, but in the manual it claims there is more on the subject in the back of the manual, its not there, and their troubleshooting on their page only lists known bugs in certain DAW's, I don;t really think they thought their troubleshooting through very well.
I got SD2.0 and MF for Christmas... Both were uninstallable. TT is supposed to be sending replacement discs. Some people on the TT forums say that older disc drives (mines a few years old) can have trouble reading dual layer DVD's. so if you have access to a newer drive, maybe try that. If the new discs they send still don't work, I may try getting a new drive.
TheWinterStorm - make sure you set the path to your sounds. It may be in the settings tab. I don't have it in front of me right now. Also, Superior 2 does not work in 64 bit only 32 bit. However, they just released a public beta of the 64 bit version. Check your Toontrack account. I assume on Win 7 64 you are running the 64 bit version of Sonar? If that is the case, you may want to invest in JBridge which allows you to run your 32 bit plugins in your 64 bit host.
I've been having the same problems as well with Metal Foundry...tried copying the files onto another computer and transferring them, still didnt work....been going back and forth with Toontrack support...they supposedly sent new discs my way, but the holidays have slowed it i've owned Metal Foundry for almost a month without being able to use it....

EDIT: I finally received the replacement discs today, and still can't install everything...this really sucks....Anyone know how I can get a hold of the uninstallable files?