Seattle/Portland Road Trip pics uploaded!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
Please have a look - I worked very hard on this album, and I'm continuing to tweak things.
There are roughly 350 pictures there, and I cropped/edited sooo many of them.
In short, my butt hurts from sitting for so long *feels dreadful*

here's a teaser - sorry it's so small :(

Just look in my photo albums, and it's the newest one on the bottom.

We basically drove to Portland, Seattle, back to Portland, Astoria, and then all the way down the west coast on 101

By the way, Seattle and Astoria were my favorite places on the trip. Everyone was so nice, and we had NO problems with crazy drivers ANYWHERE! (yay!)

Uhmm, enjoy!
Good shit Lesa! It's really weird to see things I see everyday from someone else's vantage point. Basically, that means your pics are awesome :)

Glad you liked it here, and I'm glad the weather was rad while you were here! Summers here are the absolute best.