Second Generation Fan!

I believe in being an asshole
the supremist form of the arts
where all members are assholes
and vaginal blood farts

Something like that, It was created o a drinking, um I mean camping trip.
My Boy is a huge Anthrax fan. He has cerebal palsey so he is unable to walk, but he gets his head going in a little sorta headbanging thing. It is pretty cool. He pumps his fist to. He really likes Contact/What Doesn't Die. Whenever he hears the beginning, he just starts going crazy!

P.S. I gotta a picture of me and him that is gonna be included in the Anthrax album. I think it was for MMA. Anyways how cool is that? I am pretty excited that my boy will be in the infamous Anthrax collage(as I am assuming it will be).
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Yea, he makes life a whole lot better, I am only 26(real damn close to 27) and feel like everyday just runs into the next. Time is going by way to fucking fast!! Having a kid is great cuz when I act like a kid I can just pretend I am doing it to entertain my son.
You're a good man, onemanstands.

btw- Was that you who just re-joined the ST? Or was that someone else from Alber Lea?
OneManStandsThrax said:
Yea, he makes life a whole lot better, I am only 26(real damn close to 27) and feel like everyday just runs into the next. Time is going by way to fucking fast!! Having a kid is great cuz when I act like a kid I can just pretend I am doing it to entertain my son.
OneMan it keeps getting faster. But its a fun ride. And hey cheer up you could be 35 almost 36 like me.
ThraxDude said:
You're a good man, onemanstands.

btw- Was that you who just re-joined the ST? Or was that someone else from Alber Lea?

Yea that was me. I was never really off the street team cuz I have been constantly promoting these guys. I just have not been posting or doing the internet stuff. plus I lost my password and when I tried to log back onto the board it would not let me. My old name is stuck in a void now. Anyways it is good to be back in the know once again. I am really excited about this year with all the new releases and stuff. I will be blowing alot of cash, but it will all be worth it.