Ever hear people actually saying "L O L" in a speaking conversation? I have. I've been suppressing the murderous rage ever since.
Haha no kidding, that shit is going on everywhere. When I'm like downtown, I snap up some conversations while walking by people, and mostly it's kids doing that but I have seriously encountered adults, like 25 years old or so, doing that too.
I was at a "training camp" for my upcoming summer job this weekend, and one of the guys there, somewhere like 20-22 of age, was talking with someone on the phone about how he had an awesome "DPS" (damage per second) against a boss in World of Warcraft or whatever game he was talking about... right there, in the middle of people, I mean c'mon! I get really embarrassed if I ever get in a conversation about WoW or any online nerdy game like that and he was like bragging about it

There were lots of hot girls there too... seriously.
And I know a guy who was walking home one evening while being quite drunk, and he sort of tripped and got in the way of some bicyclist who almost crashed into some shit because of that, and he then yelled "WATCH OUT YOU CUNT-NOOB!" according to him. Hahaha, to actually use "noob" out in the street...