Seeking guitarist to record DIs for a song of mine (pop-metalcore)


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Hello !

Thought I would try my luck here.
Well the deal is I have written a few tracks and I would like to record one of them.. but the problem is I have just moved to ireland and I dident get my guitars with me (for now).

So what im looking for is a good guitarist that thought it would be fun to record some awesome DIs for me.. the song is not hard (oh and dont expect anything groundbreaking song writting.. its just a catchy tune).

I have a raw raw mix with drums and bass and then I can supply a guitar pro of the whole thing.

Will post the guitar pro when I get home so you can hear for yourself

So if anyone is just slightly interrested then please reply :)

(Only thing im asking is you are actual good at playing the guitar and got a DI box so the quality is as good as it gets.. I will paypal money for new strings if needed :)..)
i have a BSS audio AR133 active di

jackson dinky dk2l seymour duncan jb and classic stacks i beleive and a blocked floyd
hammer staq standard with duncan jb and 59
epiphone G400

protools le8.0.4
mbox 2
i simply use reaper, have a shitty soundcard wich i just plug my Schecter Hellraiser C-1 FR...
44.1k and thank you very much:)

zer0_c00l. really apriciate your offer, but I need the DIs to be as good as they can get (as im gonna use the song to show case my mixing skillz)

AudioPhile777, not sure how a telecaster will sound for this sound.. but could be fun heh