Selfmade 2x12 and Foam test (with samples)


Mar 30, 2005
Ok guys...finally I have the time to do some test of my selfmade 2x12.
It's also my first attempt to mic a real cab so there are some mistakes and some sloppy playing (I recorded in my garage and here now we are near 0° C)..
I used my Schecter C1 with EMGs through my Engl Savage 60. Mic isa Shure sm57 on axis pointed to the edge of the cone.
Anyway, I did 6 samples, 2 with no Foam at all inside the cab, 2 with Foam only in the back panel and 2 with Foam in every side of the cab. Every couple of sample are 1 with Depth Boost on and the other with Depth Boost off.
The Clips are little different because I recorded without monitors and without click.

NO FOAM - DEPTH ON Foam_Depth Boost.mp3

NO FOAM - DEPTH OFF Foam_No Boost.mp3

BACK FOAM - DEPTH ON Foam_Depth Boost.mp3

BACK FOAM - DEPTH OFF Foam_No Boost.mp3

ALL FOAM - DEPTH ON Foam_Depth Boost.mp3

ALL FOAM - DEPTH OFF Foam_No Boost.mp3

I analyzed all the samples with IXL plugin and I saw that the more you add foam inside the cab, the more you cut the "super low" frequencies (from 0 to 60Hz).
Moreover, when I add the foam in the back panel, the projection increased a lot and also the volume (1dB/1.5dB RMS) and you can notice that in the clip3, where there are lot of clips. The following samples don't clip because I lower the Firepod pre of 1 little step.

The samples are not my best, probably there is too much gain, but I hope you can notice the difference with the different foam layering.
Today I will record some sample with new tubes... KT77!
I'm assuming that you'd have had to move the cab between takes to install the foam, so the mic placement would be different for all clips yeah? Like, not 100% exact? Also, were these re-amped, or played each time?