Got some more snare samples

tra due settimane registriamo la batteria con il mio gruppo heavy metal...è una cosa stile metallica con la voce femminile....abbiamo bisogno dei suoni per triggherare la batteria ma su questo forum ho problemi a scaricare i samples...sono riuscito a scaricare i tom e la cassa di andy sneap ma mi mancano il ride, il rullante e i piatti...qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?grazie mille per l eventuale aiuto
My impression was somethin to the efffect of registaring battery with his metal band which is like a dark metallica but with female vocals, and he needs to trigger battery with samples from this forum, but it rejects them? Something about the sneap snare etc. wants to know if anyone can help, thanks a lot.

Haha, lucky for you there are some Italians on this board! I'm sure they'll come out of the woodwork. :p
Something about a Battery cover with female vocals....???????? Or NI Battery????


Drums = Batteria in italian

He needs help because he'll start to record the drums for his band (Metallica style with female vocalist) next weeks and he needs samples. He found the sneap's snare, kick and toms but he wants ride and oh samples as well....

Dfhs is your solution I think