Song up for mixing!

here is my mix


i did 3 tracks for the lead vocals and 2 tracks for the " pre chorus "

love the song!

what eq did you use on pod xt? and what patch?

Jesus that sounds evil as fuck!!! Hahahaha!! I love that!

The Pod settings were the exact ones posted by Mendel a while back, his 5150Mendel and DualRecMendel as you can find on the ftp. Props to mendel btw, those patches are killer! I don't think there is any post eq on those pod patches, and they're just a basic tsmodel into the 5150 and triple rec (despite the patch name) with the gains both around 9 and the eq on the amps approx bass: 7 mid: 5 treb: 8 prescene:8 volume about 7. I'd tell you exactly but i've had to send my pod to be fixed :erk:

On my mix i just ran the 4 tracks into a stereo bus where i put the digirack 7 band eq on boosting the highs around 5khz and lows around 150 with a wide Q. If that was what you wanted to know!

My guitar if you're wondering, is a bashed up old cheap no name flying v copy which i've put an emg81 in the bridge and an 85 in the neck. All the tracks were recorded with it.
Jesus that sounds evil as fuck!!! Hahahaha!! I love that!

The Pod settings were the exact ones posted by Mendel a while back, his 5150Mendel and DualRecMendel as you can find on the ftp. Props to mendel btw, those patches are killer! I don't think there is any post eq on those pod patches, and they're just a basic tsmodel into the 5150 and triple rec (despite the patch name) with the gains both around 9 and the eq on the amps approx bass: 7 mid: 5 treb: 8 prescene:8 volume about 7. I'd tell you exactly but i've had to send my pod to be fixed :erk:

On my mix i just ran the 4 tracks into a stereo bus where i put the digirack 7 band eq on boosting the highs around 5khz and lows around 150 with a wide Q. If that was what you wanted to know!

My guitar if you're wondering, is a bashed up old cheap no name flying v copy which i've put an emg81 in the bridge and an 85 in the neck. All the tracks were recorded with it.


send you a pm!
Do you send them or route the channels? :P This is the only part im not 100% sure im doing it right about :P Sends or routes that is the question!

yeah sending - thats why its called "parallel", you're compressing and eqing the track itself and sending it to the bus where its been compressed one more time - and they sound at the same time

here is my mix



i did 3 tracks for the lead vocals and 2 tracks for the " pre chorus "

love the song!

what eq did you use on pod xt? and what patch?

sounds good - big bottom
ok well this is my first mix i've ever done for someone else, and moreover the first full mix that hasn't just been me jamming on drums and guitar and bass just recording myself and playing around. i was pumped to try out a completed song. i've done mixes fully almost, but no vocals.

this is also my second week with logic and my mac. i didn't use drumagog on anything, i just wanted to practice on this with the DKFH samples that the original poster had in there. i had a hard time with the cymbals/OH i realized i shoulda build more around the OH and AMBIENCE tracks but i will try to fix along with the "fakeness" of the snare during the fast thrashy parts. also there is some crackling during the solo it wasn't present during my mixing in the actual logic window but made it's way onto the mixdown i will probably put a soft limiter on whatever is causing (i'm guessing synths or low growling vox)

once again please keep in mind this if the first compelte A-Z mix i've ever attempted/done so spare me lol. any crituque is highly appreciated.

i will remix it to tweak and fix errors but i'm in a rush and when i repost i will also comment on other mixes as well.

hope you guys like

Just mixing this now... how did you manage to get so much noise on the vocal tracks?

I got rid of the white noise... but the vocal is so out of time... it bugs me, lol... no rhythm.

Heres my 25 minute mix... the rhythm of the vocals made me not want to work on it anymore, lol...

sorry... its a .wav, I lost the card for my mp3 export option in pro tools... sucks... and I dont have anything to convert it into a mp3... at least it'll sounds better...
hmm ok so i remixed my original mix. i corrected the clipping errors and literally approiached the drums totally different to bring out the rather "faint" original cymbals/oh/ambience stuff.

need to fix mroe stuff so version 3 will be done tonight. it's weird it's my first time mixing on logic, somehow the mixes sound different bounced than they do in logic. i never had that with cubase or sonar. i gotta get used to it. bear with me lol, its still my first time doign a mix for somneone else or rather this full and complete. still changing and experiemnt a lot of stuff.
I usually do Folk music, or Gospel stuff .... this is my first attempt to mix something like this - but here is my humble attempt:
Forlorn Mix
I would love to hear your input about the mix & editing. Thanks!

BTW - kewl tune! Thanks for letting me mess with it.
hey guys just came back from paris! these mixes are really cool!
just thought i'd let you know sorry about the quality of the vocals, the noise on them is pretty horrendous! the only thing i haven't got that is any good is any vocal stuff! must get a decent condensor and maybe a nice pre for it too asap.
keep up the good work anyway!

plus would you guys like another song to mix? i have three more. i haven't bounced any of them out of pt yet, but i can if you guys fancy them