Song up for mixing!

Arg, just took a look at it, which drum-map was this supposed to be? / Which DAW did you do the midi-programming with? I just ask cuz nothing (except the kick) is on the right place in my drum-editor.

Ah, okay, thx
That midi isn't much use to people without superior!

I use DFH (without the S I would love to have :( ) in Cubase, but with a certain amount of moving those drum-hits around I got it. I have to do some more stuff for my exams now, but I think I will up my mix on the WE.
Just mixing this now... how did you manage to get so much noise on the vocal tracks?

I got rid of the white noise... but the vocal is so out of time... it bugs me, lol... no rhythm.

Heres my 25 minute mix... the rhythm of the vocals made me not want to work on it anymore, lol...

sorry... its a .wav, I lost the card for my mp3 export option in pro tools... sucks... and I dont have anything to convert it into a mp3... at least it'll sounds better...

Thats a really cool mix man, have to apologise for the shite vocals in every respect, 1) my vocalist/bass player can't keep time, 2) I really need to do something about my noisy mbox pre! But it's only really a demo/ep, so ill invest in one for next time!
ok, I've never used DKFHS so this might be a dumb question but I have to ask. If the drums are programmed why does it sound like there is bleed on some of the tracks? i.e I hear HH in some of the tom tracks. Does dkfhs mix the tracks to simulate what you would get from micing up a real kit?
Earache: for sake of arguement, DFHS is a real kit. Once you program the midi notes, you bounce DFHS down to individual files (or mics). Once you have done that - you then import the files to your session. Voila!
The bleeds from other instruments are there on purpose. This is supposed to behave just like a real kit .... or as close to it as possible!
Take care!
Hey every1,
Hope I'm not too late, i only spotted the thread last night. Here is my go at this song! Only had about an hour to play with it so no editing/details etc!! My type of song though :rock:

Forlorn Mix

ok so i had some free time. i decided to remi this again. likea month after ive learned a bunch of new things and just developed my ear a little.

so far i didnt do vocals but i decided to work on instrumentals.

i got the demo of aptrigga and as you can tell by a couple of times it like swishes or whatever on the kick hits. i used andys sample blended with the orignal one. i just used kick. i had no clue to work ap trigga so once i figure it out im sure it will be fixed.

i took a bit of a different appoach and remixed the entire thing. i wanted to make it like softer and smoother in a way, and not try to make it as loud as possible. once i get the vocals done i will worry about mastering and stuff and making it loud as fuck. i do realize i need some more presence on the mix and side by side with another metal mix it has no balls. ill keep working, the playing isnt really tight either so it kind of makes it harder to mix.

please critique as much as possible. i feel like at the least its much more clearer than my previous attempt (see in above posts)
Thats a really cool mix man, have to apologise for the shite vocals in every respect, 1) my vocalist/bass player can't keep time, 2) I really need to do something about my noisy mbox pre! But it's only really a demo/ep, so ill invest in one for next time!

Ha, didn't see this post until now...


If you have more songs, let me know... fairly easy to mix and fun...