Vocalist Required - and also a song for everyone to mix!

I'd love to participate but I don't own DKFH. Tried to bring the midi file into BFD but it is quite a mindfuck since it is spread all over the place. Many people have uploaded DKFH tracks before. Should not be any legal issue. Anyone know of a quick way to convert DKFH mapping to BFD?

There may be an easier way - I'm not sure - but what you can do is look at the screenshot I have uploaded. This shows which MIDI note correlates to which drum. So all you have to do is cut and paste each DFHS mapping to the BFD (or whatever mapping). Say for example C1 and B0 are DFHS kick drum notes, and your sampler only has one kick drum note. Drag the notes on the C1 line to the kick drum of your sampler, and then drag the B0 notes to the same line.

Hmm that makes very little sense - hopefully someone will know what I mean and can upload a GM version or something.
you mean real drums? if you could recorded yourself , please do it for us

a would if a could but what a was on about was hook ma roland kit to dfhs and play the song its not the same but would be cool :rock:
I have updated the Bass DI WAV now, hopefully it works.

It works now. Also the Clean guitar 3&4 DI were also blank.:)

I'm going to just work with what I've got. I moved some stuff around to make the drums work in BFD. It is not perfect, but at least I've got something to work with.

Not bad man - makes me appreciate DFHS though haha! I have never used BFD before, but the cymbals really stood out to me, compared with how they sound in DFHS.

I think the flams and some toms are missing in your MIDI file. I'll see if I can map the drums to a GM map.

BTW the Guitar DI's should all be up and working now. I want to hear this reamped!
Hmm I might give this a go over the weekend. Give me a chance to properly try out the 5150 and blend it with the ENGL. So the 4 guitar tracks are 4 seperate takes? (that is what I want btw).
I just uploaded to my FTP folder the toontrack drum maps. There are dfhs, ezdrummer cubase maps, conversion maps for dfhs>bfd, etc. etc.
Cheers dude, got quite a lot of good feedback on the tone. For me it still doesn't come close to micing up a real amp, but its cool for getting ideas down for me at university.

Any feedback on the song would be cool too, to boost my ego hahaha.

Cool Tune, you have some ass kicking riffs going on...love it
Yeah 4 seperate takes. I really tried to hit the strings hard in it - hopefully it all works out!

I just realised my original question was stupid. As you wouldn't put up identical takes. But yeah. :lol: I'll do some reamp testing now.

Some of the GUitar DI just have tiny bits missing for some reason...is that a deliberate effect?

Guitar DI 1 @ 1.13 for example

For some reason the DI tracks were missing little bits. So it's not my computer stalling or the amps cutting. Wierd. :OMG:

Anyway there is my mix.

Hmm those gaps definitely shouldn't be there..... Have you tried downloading the DI's again? I just checked the files on my end and there are no gaps. Is anyone else having the same trouble?

I can always re-upload them. Some pretty nice tones going on there!