Vocalist Required - and also a song for everyone to mix!

OK, I wrote this song over the summer, changed it a bit today and recorded it really quickly (and sloppily!).

You can hear it here: Song 1 - UPDATED MIX

Right now the guitars are PodXT, bass is SVX and drums are DFHS. I would reamp through one of my rigs but I'm at uni right now so this is all I can offer. I did however track DI's for the guitar and bass tracks so you can reamp as you wish. My mix was done in very little time and is by no means a final mix (or anywhere close). I'll work on it more during the week and post an updated version. The multitracks are uploading now to my folder on the FTP. Seeing as the drums are DFHS, I'll only upload my MIDI file to avoid copyright infringements..

Also the vocalists among you please add some vocals to this and upload them hear so we can have a complete mix.

Enjoy and lets hear your mixes bitches!

EDIT: Here are the direct links for the files:


Drums EZDrummer MIDI


Bass DI
Guitar 1 DI
Guitar 2 DI
Guitar 3 DI
Guitar 4 DI
Clean Guitar 1 DI


Guitar 1 PodXT
Guitar 2 PodXT
Guitar 3 PodXT
Guitar 4 PodXT
Gotcha, would there be a way (i.e. drum map or something) that the midi could be routed to EZdrummer?
Ive just loaded the midi into the EZ midi track and moved the bits around until it sounds right. The kick is the same for EZ and DHFS then you just build the rest around it with the blocks provided. If that makes sense, thats how ive been doing it.


Here is the drum map - hope it helps!

DI's and Drum MIDI should be up now too! Let us know if there are any problems.
Haha, feel free to play with the velocities. As the song isn't fast I'm not finding it much of a problem - if it bothers you, you are welcome to fix it up.

PodXT guitars are uploaded now, they are the Triple Rec model with a tubescreamer, no other processing or editing.

Any vocalists up for this yet?
Dude great tune I like it and great job with the guitar sound....that is a killer sound with a modeler
I'd love to participate but I don't own DKFH. Tried to bring the midi file into BFD but it is quite a mindfuck since it is spread all over the place. Many people have uploaded DKFH tracks before. Should not be any legal issue. Anyone know of a quick way to convert DKFH mapping to BFD?