Selling Gold Badges...


New Metal Member
Mar 12, 2003
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Ok, I apologize if this has been asked before or if it's posted somewhere else....

Work has seen fit to schedule me for a conference the same weekend as PP, so I might not be able to use the gold badges I bought.

What's the process for selling them (2) if I need to?

Work is such a downer on having fun!!!!

Thanks, all,

It baffles me why people don't email me instead of posting here....

Anyhow, you sell your badges for the same price you bought them, not a penny more. Both seller & buyer send me an email to confirm. I swap the name and issue a new confirmation number.

Seller loses future gold badge privledges and and buyer has a hell of a time in his/her place.
SOrry about not emailing you Glenn....I actually had yahoo open to do so, but figured you'd be busy with the show not so far away at this point! :)

And Sumeet, that's exactly what I'd like to do.......... ;)

Especially this year. Always been a big fan of Lance Bass' vocals. Was REALLY looking forward to seeing Pyramaze (not to mention just really liking Pyramaze!).

And not to mention that I couldn't go the last 2 years since I was living in the middle of nowhere in West Africa!!! ;)

Anyway, thanks for the responses.

Will let you all know if I can't get out of work.

Silver1212 said:
And Sumeet, that's exactly what I'd like to do.......... ;)

Lol... yeah... of course, then you might have to deal with Step 4: Living in a carboard box... :hypno:

Silver1212 said:
Especially this year. Always been a big fan of Lance Bass' vocals. Was REALLY looking forward to seeing Pyramaze (not to mention just really liking Pyramaze!).

Uh... I think we can all be certain that if Pyramaze takes the stage and Lance Bass is fronting the band, Glenn is going to have a very rough situation on his hands... :flame:

Silver1212 said:
And not to mention that I couldn't go the last 2 years since I was living in the middle of nowhere in West Africa!!! ;)

Heh... well, based on your last comment, the worst part about living in west Africa is the excessive exposure to cheesy American pop music... :lol:

I can't believe I did that...of course Lance King! LOL

Talk about a faux paux (or however you spell that).

Sorry Lance!

Been listening to Lance KING since Balance of Power days. Ordered so many CDs from his company once, all with his bands (Pyramaze, Defyance, BoP) that he actually emailed me personally to say thanks!

Talk about building fan loyalty!

Definitely not an NSync joke about the pop music in West Africa. I spent two years listening nonstop (not by choice!) to NSync, Britney, and Westlife (the British NSync). That's gotta be where that came from!

Not to mention my gf there only wanted to listen to that stuff too!

The joys of living in a metal-deprived country......
