Sennheiser e606


Aug 7, 2007
Leeds, UK.
I've seen these used on guitar cabs live rather often, but it seems the 57 seems to rule the roost in the studio. Has anyone used the e606 on guitar cabs in the studio, or does the frequency response simply suit live guitars better?

Is that the same mic as the "609 silver" that they sell in the US? Sure looks like it. Assuming it's the same mic then yes I've used it in the studio and liked it. I wouldn't really say I favor it over the 57 in either live or studio applications but I have had good luck using them together. It's sharper than the 57 which can make it too brittle sounding at times but you can always move it a little further out on the cone. YMMV
I think alot of people use it live because of the ease of just throwing the cord over the cab and letting it hang..... no need to dick around with a stand.... I always use a 57/e609 mix when I record guitars.
I would never use it as the sole mic on anything I do, personal or for a project. I have once...never again. Since then I've only ever used it in conjunction with a 57...and even then it was pretty low in volume, the 57 being the dominant track.

the 609 silver doesnt sound half as good to me as the real 609 that is all black. the 609 black is way smoother and has better lowend. it costs alittle more but is well worth the extra cash. i own both and have used both many times. i like 57s and i5s more after extensive tracking and mixing projects done with both mics.