sensible soccer

I remember it, but I have no idea where you can download it from. A p2p server is the only thing that comes to mind. I tried downloading Mortal Kombat II some time ago, but unfortunately, no luck.
i remember that game, but i remember i didnt like it, it was the enemy like, cause i was into 'kick off'.
yeah i was just about to say that, kick off ruled them all. i remember playing a game against comp. i set referee to ultrahard, and at one point the stupid AI got red cards for all but one field player and the keeper. and when i kicked the ball outside the field, there was some sort of a bug, the guy doing the throw-in couldn't target any player, cause there was none, and stood there till the game ended, lol. aah, memories.
haha, i remember jumping on the goal keeper, the screen freezed and the game wouldnt work anymore :D
aye, read my subjectline - there's a startingpoint for everything ;)

cm4 is teh boss, deffo, tho the 2D top view isnt that realistic if u ask me, i skip it normally....
but christ-on-a-bike!, the game is as realistic as managing can be :hotjump:
ah i like it tho, those rounds running on the field :)

i dunno if youre experienced with the game, but i have a huge problem now, which i cant resolve. so first season i won everything with valencia. now the 2nd season started, most players improved even more, esp some youngsters i bought the season before, so im stronger then ever. and now i start to lose quite some games :confused: how is it possible?! arf
if you changed the tactics, they might have become insecure, maybe you have too many players, or do you often change the starting line-up? did u play any pre-season matches to encourage the team-form?
any frustrated or Anelka-like players who get pissed off if you sub them in the 62nd minute? dont train too much in summers, cos they get too tired, lazy bastards - i do keep them youngsters in practice tho, arrange extra friendlies to keep m in shape for a 3rd round FA cup leg, i even won the League cup a cpl of times with a avarage age of 19 or so :D
oh fuck. i did none of your hints...... shit. yeah changed tactics too. but me players are used to be taken off and that i guess. no one got pissed so far. dunno. well its normal like cause if you want to win everything with valencia (many games to be played) then you need to swap players often cause they get easy tired and that.

but i trained whole the summer through! scheisse scheisse scheisse! and the board expects me to win the competition this year :( haha lets hope i dont get fired :Spin:
Filthy Sanchez said:
Does anyone remember sensible world of soccer here? It was a big hit in mid 90s... any place i can download it?

Was great fun these days... we had an own league in school. Playing this game, until our hands hurt so badly... I think I still have the diskettes somewhere, maybe I can copy them...
Mariner said:
oh fuck. i did none of your hints...... shit.
there you go mate
listen to these mastery words :p there's some more hints n tricks at
and buy Kim Kallstrom, and Pawel Broznjek (or whatever, CFwds),
put those on att. midfield - you're sorted for the year with goals.
Filthy Sanchez said:
Does anyone remember sensible world of soccer here? It was a big hit in mid 90s... any place i can download it?
got it right here, tho i dont like it - only Fifa 2002 will do for me, else CM.
you can have it if you like. drop me a pm sometime