Sentenced - The Funeral Album

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Sentenced - The Funeral Album
Century Media Records - 2005
By Adam McAuley


A far cry from the classic sounds of Amok, the final album from these veterans sees them further delving into their straightforward heavy metal style that is not completely unlike what Metallica started to experiment with circa their self-titled album. And like the disappointment that came with that album, I must say that I am not convinced in the merits of the sound of this album. There is a nice array of acoustic guitars used in the background, and the album maintainas a fairly rollicking sound, but it just doesn't really raise a pulse like you might hope it would and does only on the rare occasion.

One of the major problems I have with the album is in fact the James Hetfield-esque vocals of Ville Laihiala which sound just a bit too much like Hetfield, except they aren't as good. Furthermore, with a name like The Funeral Album you would expect this material to be slightly more depressing than the mostly even keel material found here. It's relatively mundane stuff throughout, which sort of makes you question why the band hadn't stopped releasing albums a couple of them ago. The merits of the album are the aforementioned lively use of acoustic guitar and the occasional strong point, but it all just drags on a little too much for my taste, especially when you know these guys are very good musicians that have released some semi-classic material in the past.

Thankfully, the final track "End of the Road" is a standout, the crescendo closing off the album being one of its best moments and one in which you would wonder why they didn't utilize more of throughout the remainder of the album. Overall, The Funeral Album is a very ho-hum album that would score perhaps slightly higher if it wasn't by such a formerly outstanding outfit, but as it is this can't be recommended to even the most die-hard fans.


Official Century Media Website
Official Sentenced Website
I agree, I was highly dissapointed. If ever metal were to make the likes of 'light rock FM' this would be the album of choice. I hate looking a any band's past material and try and boast how much better it was, but in sentenced's case I can do it without shame. The only thing that's depressing about The funeral album is the fact that I had to sit through it waiting for something to happen and with a half-minute death metal joke song, the only worth while tune is the last song. This album wants me to put my head into the noose :yuk:
I think you both hit the nail on the head for the most part. The Funeral Album is nothing that Sentenced hadn't already done on previous releases The Cold White Light, Crimson or Frozen none of which can be considered excellent releases. The last great Sentenced CD was Amok, though Down was damn good at the time before it became the blueprint for 5 straight similar sounding recordings.
When I have the choise between "The funeral album", "The cold white light" and "Crimson" it will always be "The cold white light" (followed by "Crimson")because EVERY song of this album totally rules! It´s straight rocking on a very high level from the first up to the last minute. And I like it´s attitude. Therefor I´m a little disappointed about the songs from "The funeral album". Just 2 or 3 really good songs, and the rest...

However - Sentenced is one of my faves and I truely regret their decision, but I can understand some of the reasons.
BlackDawn said:
When I have the choise between "The funeral album", "The cold white light" and "Crimson" it will always be "The cold white light" (followed by "Crimson")because EVERY song of this album totally rules! It´s straight rocking on a very high level from the first up to the last minute. And I like it´s attitude. Therefor I´m a little disappointed about the songs from "The funeral album". Just 2 or 3 really good songs, and the rest...

However - Sentenced is one of my faves and I truely regret their decision, but I can understand some of the reasons.

The Cold White Light is one of the best albums ever. Just because their style changed their song writing was still in tact. Every song on TCWL was a gem. Polished and peerfect. Their old stuff was good too but the Taneli's vocals fell a bit flat to me. Now Ville IS da man. He can flat out emote. I heard them both sing Nepenthe... and their is no comparison.. Ville laihiala by a lndslide. The Funeral album isn't quite the album TCWL was but it is a fairly solid outing. I for one think they went out on top of their game. And I have been listening to them for a long long long time. Their style has changed little.. Melodic, Brooding, Classic and Ageless.... I will miss this band emensely...

See you in hell all you wanna be critics! Tonight's the night I choose for you~!

A Tru Fan!
The Funeral Album rules!! I can't believe what I've just read from the above posts! I know we all have our own views and opinions on music, but I can't agree with any of the above posts! This album simply hits the nail on the head as a "final album" as it delivers from an emotional standpoint and musical standpoint! The freakin' idiot that claims the vocalist sounds like James Hetfield only makes me laugh as they can't even be compared. This album gets a 8.5/10 and is 2nd to "Frozen" as Sentenced's best album of all time. I'm really hoping that they will reform later in time as they haven't fullfilled my wants for good music from a band that will be forever remembered as one of the best bands of all time!!

(Every song on The Funeral Album is awesome!)