
Start with both Beneath the Remains and Arise. Chaos AD can wait until you've heard both those albums.
get beneath the remains. that's their best album. chaos ad is their 2nd best album. both are masterpieces. here are the albums in order

Beneath the Remains
Chaos A.D.
Dante XXI
Morbid Visions
Bestial Devistation
um, i'd get 'under a pale grey sky', its a cracking live album, and its got at least one or two tracks off every release up to roots.......gotta be pretty cheap by now too......

but all the above choices are killer too.....hard to go wrong with seps
i got arise today and this cd is just great! the vocals r so insane and i had no idea they would be this fast and heavy im definetly going to look more into this band and get alot more of them

sepultura fucking rules:headbang:
Evil? said:
WOW Daveingham thats a great set of photos!!:kickass:

Did you take them all?

Yes mate, all my own work. I have thousands more to add from over 18 years of concerts. I'm seeing Testament on Tuesday and also going to New York for the Ozzfest gig next Saturday. Those pics will be online sometime next week. Glad you like 'em
I'm wearing a Sepultura T shirt right now so I think I'm qualified to speak on this matter (ignore everyone else's opinion - are THEY wearing a Seps shirt? No.)

Get Beneath the Remains, then

then stop buying them because none of their other albums come close to that stuff. Especially the nu-metal-tastic Roots album which licks my cock.