serotonal news

brian oblivion said:
oh by the way has anyone heard god speed you black emperor
I like them quite a lot. Also ckeck "A Silver Mt. Zion" (if you haven't already), a side project.

And cheers for the promo songs, I am downloading them right now!
Morpheus said:
i do have sth on me computer, but haven't had the time to listen to it. I think it's this Antennas album Danny was speaking of the other day. Which song did they play for the 28 days later soundtrack? I remember some nice tunes from that movie.

P.S. Cheers for the Jon!!! I've been to yer forum the other day, but didn't know what to post. Maybe i head over again soon.

the album is called something like shake your skinny fists like antennas up to heaven or something like that but the track of 28 dayz is not on that album
here is a bit of info
god speed you black emperor website
DragonLady1 said:
thanx for the downloads, really dark music, I like it :)

ps: I really like god speed you black emperor, but its hard to find a cd of them here :(

you are very welcome and thanx for the comment.
god speed are from canada but i am sure you can buy the stuff online.
this is the official god speed website
if i find any site that allow you to but there stuff on line, then i will let you know.
I see they do have some other projects, actually the list is quite long. Anything interesting on there?

here the list:
silver mt. zion
bottleskup flenkenkenmike
bakunin's bum
1-speed bike
fly pan am
et sans
set fire to flames
balai mécanique
'gypt gore
sam shalabi
shalabi effect

they seem to be well busy eh?
Well, as I had said, "silver mt. zion" is worth checking. It's pretty much like in the vein of GY!BE, but kinda like less - how should I put it - grandiose. Not that GY!BE is very grandiose.

Dunno about the rest.
brian oblivion said:
you are very welcome and thanx for the comment.
god speed are from canada but i am sure you can buy the stuff online.
this is the official god speed website
if i find any site that allow you to but there stuff on line, then i will let you know.

thanx for the info... ah they are from canada? didnt know that... well I have a very very good friend in canada, I will ask him if he can find any albums there, as he will tour in europe with his band in october he could bring me some cds then, that would be great... :)
fye said:
Well, as I had said, "silver mt. zion" is worth checking. It's pretty much like in the vein of GY!BE, but kinda like less - how should I put it - grandiose. Not that GY!BE is very grandiose.

Dunno about the rest.
ok, i have to get into Gybe first anyways. But cheer fye for the info!
ahh as long as everyone is happy then i am too :Spin: ,
and thanx morpheus and fye i will check out all the other projects youz have suggested.
also if there are any other bands of this style that anyone knows of please let us all know.
well, since i haven't heard GYBE so far i cannot tell, but i guess Mogwai and Sigur Ros should be quite similar. But you probably know these, don't you?
DragonLady1 said:
thanx for the info... ah they are from canada? didnt know that... well I have a very very good friend in canada, I will ask him if he can find any albums there, as he will tour in europe with his band in october he could bring me some cds then, that would be great... :)
I don't know about Innsbruck, but when I was in wien I had found (and bought :Spin: ) GY!BE's Yanqui U.X.O. in a shopping center called Galaxy or Saturn, can't remember now. So, keep it in mind, if you go to Wien. :)
hey Jon, hows the new material going man? i loved the promo and can't wait for the album to come out, been eagerly awaiting it since the promo, im sure it'll kick a lot of arse :grin:
hey mr belmont,
the stuff is going really well i have to say.
as you know darren is still in india so we are just drafting and sketching it out at the mo.
if you liked the promo you will love the new stuff. i think we have established our sound now so writting just comes natural.
as soon as daz gets back we will be going into the studio and this will be the working birth of the band.
i look forward to bringing our music live, tho i have to say there is a hell of alot more interest in europe and america than in the uk so i suppose we will have to see where the album takes us.
but its sure nice to see you on the forum again mate.