Serpents Kiss music video!!

It was quite ok, I'm happy because it's their first and I'm excited for them.. the video itself tho alot of it left me just thinking 'wtf'.. though I did chuckle when Russ was tongueing the snake.. only gripes, the camera was too shaky all the time on the band (I know that was a deliberate thing), and it never really focused on the band members long enough.. but good effort! I look forward to more clips from them in the future!
Now that I think of it after watching it like 9 times, it makes me think of a Tool video, but much more metal.
It's great that the guys have a video. It's just a shame that the current trend for metal videos seems to involve the producer having an attention span of half a second and feeling the need to change shot accordingly.

The Constant Motion video is worse in that regard though - the camera's on Portnoy and LaBrie for most of the solos. At least MJR gets most of the camera time during the solos in the SymX vid.

Also the Adam and Eve people were freaky.
It seemed pretty obvious that they showed the most footage of Rullo because he's the most attractive person in the band... either that, or the video doubled as subliminal advertising for Under Armour.
It's been a lesser song to me in the album, but I've been more appreciative of it lately. But why isn't there a serpent kissing?
totally awesome video, seriously first ghost opera, then this, when the human stain video comes out I might lose my mind!
The video is pretty much as close to perfect as you can get. They look awesome (and it can be real easy to look cheesy or as if trying way too hard in metal) - perfect scenery/colors/camera work for the song. The setting conveys the attitude of the song AND album perfectly. I loved the above looking down angle they got on MJR - captures the man AND the instrument without being a bland straight on shot.

Not so sure about the Russell/snake interaction idea. Snakes have been the ultimate phallic symbol for years... guy/snake interaction just doesn't work. Up until that whole thing, I think Russ is pretty much kicking ass and looking like he is in command.

I feel bad for Michael Pinnella - first off he's playing keyboard parts that are essentially inaudible in the mix, and then there is just no comfortable way to seamlessly work a keyboard into that setting. 'and after creating Eden, God said - let their be grainwave synthesis with multiple oscillators and waveform customization capabilities'. I'd say for what they had to do with that, they did it about as well as they could have, but still, that's just a tough concept to pull off.

I wish they had done something a little more epic and huge with the orchestral/groove riff break - that lick begs for something monumental to be going on.

I think the comment of similarity to a Tool video was quite astute, I got that same vibe on the first viewing... which is good, cause tool has always made good videos. (Of course I'm glad X didn't go to their extreme, which would obviously not be appropriate with their music).

Bravo guys, I think that video will do you publicity wonders!
Wasn't someone saying that symphony x filmed 2 music videos out there? 1 for StWoF and one for this. I was wondering jax/J-dub you have any info regarding the release of the StWoF Vid?

anyways this video was awesome. Completely captured the emotion of the song . The Set and or scenery was awesome, russell looked insanely bad-ass, romeo looked godly, lepond looked frantic, Rullo (with the most suprising performance) looked awesome with that turtle neck thing lookin all "Sandra Bullocky" rockin the shit and Pinella looked awesome. The whole orchestra part when the freaky ridge-backed eve started crawlin towards the tree and the f-r-b Adam's eyes opened was just sick.

Oh and i made this cuz i thought these faces were hilariouse. Especially the lemon face!!!


Btw russell likes to get kisses from my trouser serpent :blush: