Set list for US shows


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2005
this Sux Amon Amarth is one of my favorites but I cant drive 2 hours each way for 30 minutes which is like 4 songs. Trivium is a joke, begging people to pit and noone will, and children of bodom is some sort of gay happy black metal. Cradle of Filth would eat CoB for breakfast. Just hoping to get a set list and if AA is playing "Versus the World" it may we worth it.
:Puke: Your fat queer guy picture is revolting and I just drove 2hrs to suffer through Trivium so I could see In Flames for 30 minutes just dont want to do the same again :Puke:
I'm traveling over an hour to see AA. I'm actually glad they're first up so I don't have to sit through the other garbadge that will follow them on stage.
versustheworld said:
this Sux Amon Amarth is one of my favorites but I cant drive 2 hours each way for 30 minutes which is like 4 songs. Trivium is a joke, begging people to pit and noone will, and children of bodom is some sort of gay happy black metal. Cradle of Filth would eat CoB for breakfast. Just hoping to get a set list and if AA is playing "Versus the World" it may we worth it.

COB fucking rules and cradle of filth sucks, fuck you, but your right AA kicks ass:rock: trivium can go suck a cock
Figure 6 songs, probably 4 from Fate and 2 older ones. I'm guessing Ancient Sign, Fate of Norns, hopefully Valkyries Ride and Pursuit of Vikings. I doubt we'll get the march but it'd be great to hear that again. Dunno about older songs but I'd be thrilled if they did Masters of War and Last With Pagan Blood again.

And Cradle couldn't eat fucking Oatmeal for breakfast, Alexi can probably out-play anyone on the tour.
Hmmm lets see 11 more days til SF show. My dream setlist would be

1. Bleed for Ancient Gods
2. For the Stabwounds in our back
3. The last with pagan blood
4. Where death seems to dwell
5. Down the Slopes of Death
6. The Pursuit of Vikings
7. A Fury Divine
8. The Dragon's Flight across the waves
9. Without Fear
10. Beheading of a King
11. Bloodshed
12. Death in Fire
13. Victorious march or Siegreicher Marsch
14. Legend of a banished man

yeah that would be sweet