Set the World on Fire video

Apparently Europeans can't watch it there. Oh well, I've seen it anyways and I have to say that I laughed through most of it. It just can't be taken seriously, but it still kicked ass. :p
Right, so I watched it. Thanks for the advice.

I would like to say that this is how I wanted the video to look like, using the theme from the artwork and all. I love it.
Awesome video. I have to say I am a bit disappointed that the solo/duo section and some of the solos were removed. I actually wanted to see who played one particular part that is hard to tell on the cd if it is guitar or keyboard.
Well... I liked it (mostly), but we have to factor in that I'm a bigtime SX fanboy, and a geek. The band was looking badass! This will be great for them. All those kids who go to the MTV2 website will be like, "What the hell? Singing? What's that?" :)
Well... I liked it (mostly), but we have to factor in that I'm a bigtime SX fanboy, and a geek. The band was looking badass! This will be great for them. All those kids who go to the MTV2 website will be like, "What the hell? Singing? What's that?" :)

lol they will freak out when they hear real instruments... :lol:
Poor kids, they have no idea what they are missing...
I'm sorry, but I burst out laughing when I first saw Russell's face. It's so out of place.
But I really liked what Russell was doing as he was singing "Destroy and unmake you" lol
On both videos I liked the way the concept was kept. On this one I wasn't really expecting that. I would like to congratulate the band and everyone involved on those videos, because I never expected like one year ago that Symphony X would ever but a video out, but fortunately I was wrong, and when they did they were really very good quality videos.:headbang:
This video was pretty good. Too bad any word about it was censored up the ass and "unmentionable" until the band gave the okay, just like Paradise Lost was. A lot of good that did at the time too by the way. People still downloaded the whole album months before it's release.

I love Symphony X but this place isn't what it used to be and this control freak moderator "Jax" is coming off as a cunt and I'm sick of it. So I'm outta here, banned too obviously, whatever I don't give a fuck.

Later guys. Been a good 5 or so years here but shit ends.
Awesome video. I have to say I am a bit disappointed that the solo/duo section and some of the solos were removed. I actually wanted to see who played one particular part that is hard to tell on the cd if it is guitar or keyboard.

Which part?

I agree... they could have at least kept in the harmonized interlude. I would have kept this and the entire solo duel and taken out Romeo's main solo, but that's just my two cents. The video is awesome; I like it even more than Serpent's Kiss. You even see a little bit more of Lepond in this one!
*hint* Use proxy if you can't play it outside US *hint*

*hint 2* It's up on youtube *hint 2*

Alright, so this is the cheesiest shit I've ever seen and I love it. If Luca Turilli would see this he'd crap his pants.
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