
New Metal Member
Aug 29, 2004


No surprises again. Very sad :(
Too bad Forbidden's playing stuff only from their first two records. I'd love to hear something off Distortion or Green and especially some stuff from their pre-Distortion demos (Traped, Disillusions)
Yeah, but they've been playing that for over half a year now. It's time to rediscover some more wonderful songs that are gathering dust (Do or Die, A day of reckoning, Time is coming, One man's fate, As the seasons grey, All I could bleed, Hatred's Rise, Falling fast, Troubled Dreams, Chasing Fear and others)
nah, they'll probably add one new old song and play it for a year or so and then come back to the standard setlist. I've been thinking "maybe the next tour cycle.." for too many tours now :)
I went to the Saturday show. GREAT day! All 3 bands were awesome, but a little dissapointed that there were no encores.

Can't wait for TD09!
I would love to hear " Reign of Terror" done all beefed up.The closest there is was " First Strike Still Deadly" But I am not the biggest fan of Zetro's voice.
I would also like more from " Low" and " Demonic" but it doesn't sound like Alex likes "Demonic" that much.
I would love to hear " Reign of Terror" done all beefed up.The closest there is was " First Strike Still Deadly" But I am not the biggest fan of Zetro's voice.
I would also like more from " Low" and " Demonic" but it doesn't sound like Alex likes "Demonic" that much.

I agree on the Low part. There's a bunch of songs they could play given their catalog.
put the whole damn show on a dvd.
Forbidden needs to stop inviting Bostaph playing with them every time they see a chance,and record a new album with Mark Hernandez already...get over it,Bostaph is great but he is playing in another band plus Mark is doing a fine job filling his shoes...
I disagree. Get Bostaph up there if he's about, he was a vital part of the band, and it's nice to see them all getting on so well. If Hernandez has no problem with it then I don't see why it's a negative thing. Plus I really don't want to hear anything from Distortion or Green when they could be playing awesome thrash classics off the first two records. 'Twisted' is pretty much my favourite album. Looking forward to a new album with Hernandez though, he's a great drummer.
Yes, it would be cool with a new cd. But.. not inviting Bostaph up on stage when they play at the same show would be disrespectful towards both the fans and Bostaph imho. This is afterall a reunion tour.