
Dumbass Cartoonist

New Metal Member
Nov 14, 2004
Anybody know what the setlist Deicide are currently playing is like? I'll find out soon enough on Thursday night but i'm just curious.
Seeing em in Dublin on Saturday night. Apparently, the set is now up to 18 songs and they're playing stuff that they haven't played with the Hoffmans in a long time. The 2 guys from Vital Remains are lined up for the next album
Dumbass Cartoonist said:
Hell yeah. You're from Dundee also I see. Cool.
I take it from that comment you are from dundee as well then,

do you drink in the balcony (or whatever its called now) if so you might have seen me in their, I ussually wear a deicide t-shirt and a long leather jacket that goes down to my ankles and of course the obligatory black jeans.

Ussually in their with Eric Laing
Well if anyone's curious they played (in no particular order):

Scars Of The Crucifix
Children Of The Underworld
Bastard Of Christ
Serpents of The Light
When Satan Rules His World
Kill The Christian
Sacrificial Suicide
Christ Denial
Once Upon The Cross
Dead But Dreaming
When Heaven Burns
Oblivious To Evil
Dead By Dawn
Lunatic Of God's Creation

I might've missed a few, not sure. According to Glen they're not planning to play songs written by the Hoffmans anymore. Bear in mind that Glen was rather drunk when he said this, though I wouldn't be surprised if he meant it.
they played an encore at the Irish show which Glen swore they never normally do so in addition to the setlist posted above, they also played Deicide. Killer gig.

Glen had a few pops at Bono (or Boner as Glen kept calling him) from U2, and also at some f*cker who threw a drink at the stage. Jack Owen was alright but his solos weren't really up to scratch (which I suppose is kinda to be expected given he's only had a few weeks to learn em)....and oh my God, can Dave Suzuki shred or what? Killer guitar player and excellent presence on stage.

Glen also had a pop at the Hoffmans saying that Deicide are committed to no more cancelled tours or cancelled shows and committed to giving the fans the best and that that's what was on stage that night.

All in all, one of the best gigs I was ever at. I was a bit p*ssed with them after they cancelled a few months back but after Saturday night, that's all forgotten about,

For the record Arkhon Infaustus kicked a$$ as well.

p.s. They also played From Behind The Light Thou Shall Rise
at the cathouse gig when deicide arrived I asked them if it was true regarding the hoffmans and he said it's better ie insinuating it is better without them and to be honest having been privaliged too seeing them now both with and without I can honestly say they are just as good.

Glenn seemed to be alot happier at this gig so who knows maybe he is alot more invigerated now.
They played Christ Denied? Shit man would have loved to have heard that, i didnt think thye played that song at all live. Owen solos arent up to par? Hmmmmmmmm, give him time i say or get him to smoke a joint, thats what the hoffmans always used to do i think. Well all is good from what i hear, too fucking bad i will probabley never see Deicide again cause of Canadian border laws, fucking hate it, meh what are you gonna do, if they come to new york City id drive up and see em......thats if they let me in the border lol.......