Setting the Stereo Width : Mastering

Apr 9, 2004
Hey guys , interested in knowing how much and what type of stereo Width u guys use during ur masters and how u set it

i use S1 - imager ( waves at the moment ) and set it to 1.25 but i think it could be too wide as i already set my guitars to 100&L and R

what do u guys usually set it too ? or what kind of stereo width enhancers do u guys use

thats a good question, i'm interested in that myself. i always notice how pro-mastered cd's have a wider stereo field and when i asked an engineer he acted like it was no big deal. i hate how pros get all cocky and tell you the wrong advice because they dont want you to put them out of business. fuck that, this forum is totally not about that, obviously.

i've noticed that your master eq can have a huge effect on how your stereo field is perceived. don't get too wrapped up in making it sound as wide as a particular record, i think its more important to make it smooth and listenable. thats my opnion because sometimes plugins can make a song sound wider for the price of making it sound shittier or chorused. who pays attention to width besides other engineers? lol anways, your drum tracks may also have a huge effect on the width of ur track. try bringing up the rooms?

hope i helped a little bit, always trying to give back what i could to this incredible forum.