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New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
Are these guys seriously this elitist, or really just that brain-dead fucking retarded?

I know a lot of you HATE SS members.. Want to know your opinion on the general bullshittery that spews from their mouthes on a daily basis.

Arguing with members is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win, THEY'RE TOO FUCKING RETARDED TO UNDERSTAND YOUR POINT.
I'm going to bed, I'll leave this thread in you guise' hands :D

EDIT: FYI, these guys are both regulars, and I've heard their tones... Complete ass-garbage at best. And yeah, I'll admit I blew a couple points out of my ass a little bit that are heavily opinionated, but seriously they're both just absolutely faptarded. Also, yes Audiophile, they're the type of people that INSIST on the shit that they use as opposed to professional, quality sounding gear.

Ibanez tards.
Just an instance of two parties with opinions that are too static and inflexible. I don't come here (off topic board) very often, but dude, whenever I read a post by you it feels like I'm visiting some teen hang-out. Take it a step back, curb the bravado and please start to act more like an adult.
I'm a member of actually.
I don't post much there anymore and yes there are some complete idiots there, but I've also met some people from there in real life whom I've since become friends with in real life and are just awesome guys.
There's some intelligent, knowledgeable guys there, just as there is here, and there's also complete fuck wits there, just as there is here.
There are also some amazing guitarists at that board (indeed, Shane Gibson himself is a member of, as is Per Nilsson).
I just avoid getting into argument with idiots and avoid threads where I don't want to post in.

So want to improve the situation, Jesse?
Avoid arguing with the idiots and don't go around making completely idiotic threads like these that are suggestive of you having all the maturity and sense of an 11 year old kid holding a knife near his dick and wondering why the fuck he sliced it off when he was being an idiot and slipped.

Thread fixed.
Hey hey Jesse, you blew your load over a tone I got a while back using my alder Strat with 89 in it ;)
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