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I know some forums have the ability to let users add other users to their ignore list, effectively making it so that posts and threads by those users wont show in the browser window.
Sometimes I really wish this was possible on the UM boards as well.

It does. ;)

Whoevers profile > Add "whoever" to your ignore list.
Just tested it out, doesnt seem to work for topics - it just minimizes the post, points out that you've blocked whatever person then gives you the option to maximise if you want.
Ignoring people on forums doesnt work anyways.. since you break up the thread, you will probably end up not understanding half of the shit going on in the thread anymore.
JBroll just summarized my mind so I won't extend my post.

But hey, Jesse, re-read your posts. It's like, you are complaining for something totally fair, and you don't even make yourself defendable because you are acting here like a fucking retarded little brat.
I'm not defending anything, or complaining about anything though? :lol:

And where'd this come from? You were never a little bitch before JBRoll chimed in ;)

I dropped /caring about this thread a while ago, dunno why a nub would bump it back up, meh
I'm not defending anything, or complaining about anything though? :lol:


ShreddyMarz said:
Are these guys seriously this elitist, or really just that brain-dead fucking retarded?

I know a lot of you HATE SS members.. Want to know your opinion on the general bullshittery that spews from their mouthes on a daily basis.

Arguing with members is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win, THEY'RE TOO FUCKING RETARDED TO UNDERSTAND YOUR POINT.

But in the end.. why all the fuzz?
Its just one dumb thread among the others.. nothing new really.

ShreddyMarz said:
C'mon now, it's fact that Basswood/Alder suck >=/

But this one made me laugh for realz. ;)
Basswood is one of the most sustain woods there is.. the problem is that its harder to find good sounding basswood then it is to find good sounding mahogany, alder or maple.
Good basswood has the same tonality as good alder(Bright sounding.), but generally gives you the sustain of maple.
If we are talking Mahogany, your favorite, i could just drop the word "nato" and be done with(Its eastern mahogany, and not a composite material as the myth goes.).. there is bad tone wood, and there is good tone wood, its that simple.

I have a few Japanese built 80's axes built in both alder and basswood, and i would say that those have some of the clearest and most sustain tones i have ever heard from a guitar.
That being said, mahogany is GREAT.. and i would guess that the reason most of you guys prefer it is because of the heavy use of tubescreamers.
When you cut out that low end on a alder or basswood body, the sound would get thin.. but as mahogany is warmer, you still have some low end hitting the amp.
Jesus, fuck off Jesse.

I don't see anything wrong with Jesse. Not his fault someone gave life to this thread again. He has opinions just like everyone else here. Just because you don't agree with a thread someone makes doesn't give you the right to kick people out or be rude. Now that his point has been made, there's been decent discussion, and is now turning into a "hate Jesse" thread, I think it's time to close or lock this. Why can't we all just get along? The point is that this is the sneap thread, not SS or Blabbermouth... so lets stop acting like little arrogant pricks that reside there. Just ignore the trolls or troll'ish threads. Not that fucking hard.
Jesus, fuck off Jesse.


'GOTTA STOP BEIN' SUCH A DICK MAN!' Every post I read that's even somewhat similar to this, puts that much bigger of a smile on my face. Due to the fact that little vaginal outbursts like these, are ALWAYS uncalled for, and only brought on due the fact that someone else did it earlier. You have no right to call someone a tool, ever, LeSedna, and Gareth :)

Also, Gareth.. You're confusing, man. One minute you're nice on MSN, chattin' away, and the next minute you're on these boards starting shit with me (90% of the time we get into it, you start it.) WHO'S the dick in your eyes, again? Me? Sensible logic, there.. Keep it in your pants, and quit starting so much shit.

Seriously though, what ubersyntax said sums it up. This is an old thread waiting to die, brought up by some butthurt nub.. And like I said, I dropped this nearly a month ago, now :lol:
You just spammed a page worth of zalgo bullshit and didn't expect me to react?
I'm chill with you when you're being chill. I call you a dick when you're being a dick.
Jesse as I stated in another thread - your dragging other people down into your drama. I'm one of the folks that can just filter it out and get around the bullshit, but it does get tiring. I know being here is a necessity in your life, I understand that; but I also understand what JBroll is saying when he states you need to step away and see it from the other side.

Hell - I even like Gareth, when he is talking about music and the production of it, but just like your drama I can filter his flirtations with unnecessary comments, and crude responses, out. (Gareth - just like Jesse I think your a talented guy, but I think excess gets the best of you at times.)

It does get tough to gather the information people find useful and even entertaining here (say from the OT forum) when threads become monkey shit fights full of insults and general bullshitery before the end of the first page. I, like many of the other folks that come here daily to find information and casual banter - the ones not just looking to stir the pot, have no need for the crapping up of threads.

I readily admit that I'm a consumer of the information here much more than a provider. (I don't think my skills are up to that level so I simply gobble up what I read and try to apply it to my own recordings to make them better for my enjoyment.) But even my filter is running short.
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