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I probably will, I'm just voicing an opinion here for now. I'm not here to insult this forum nor make generalizations about its members, as many of you are. In fact, even some dudes posting in this thread seem to have a cool attitude. I just find the thread a bit unwarranted.

Btw, JJ Rodriguez is canadian, not mexican. And I have no clue what Canada has to do with burritos, all I know is that he's a cool guy with a lot of gear experience and a fun sense of humour, which is why he's liked on the forum.

Nobody cares
just noticed this thread is 20 days old... ha. still, up to his old tricks already though, not even a month after his last meltdown. Jesse... just stop.

tone is so highly subjective... and SO subject to the combinations of "ingredients" that go into it... guitar, p-ups, strings, amp, hands, etc etc... that it's just not worth making such absolutist statements.

i've gotten great tones with basswood and alder. my personal preference is with Mahogany, so i agree with you there, it's good guitar-building wood, but fine tones can be had with lighter woods as well.
I'm clearly a new member that like basswood Ibanez guitars. I don't understand why this kid is knocking them when he owns one. I also can't find any pics of his superawesome-non-butt-garbage gear, or tone.
So what, you found out he owned an Ibanez once, I've owned plenty of guitars I've disliked, not a biggie.

And yeah, its a fairly contentious thread thats a few weeks old and many of the members here actively disagreed with, or are you from too and just feel like stirring something that was already pretty much finalised for the sake of it?
Shit just got real son. Here comes my army of Mexicans.

Then call me a fucking retard cause I went off on those fucktards last week to the point of getting banned from the site ... hahahhaahhahahahaha

Fucking JJRodriguez man its like hes got an army of mexicans flying the AxeFx flag and no matter what you say or do, you could be talking about fucking burritos and it somehow warrants a post from JJ about his

FUCK and their FanBoi bullshit ... fuck them in their silly asses!!'re an idiot. first of all way to respect mr. sneap by contributing to bullshit in this thread, and the OP for starting it.
You're on ultimate metal forums, a forum for fans. If you have an axefx, you gained bragging rights for have such an awesome piece of gear.

Also, Guru arent you like 30? and you're as immature as the 15 year olds on xbox live? :puke:'re an idiot. first of all way to respect mr. sneap by contributing to bullshit in this thread, and the OP for starting it.
You're on ultimate metal forums, a forum for fans. If you have an axefx, you gained bragging rights for have such an awesome piece of gear.

Also, Guru arent you like 30? and you're as immature as the 15 year olds on xbox live? :puke:

How is what guru is saying in any way disrespectful to sneap?
what the shit kind of first post is this?

What kind of way is that to greet someone who apparently has an army of Mexicans backing him?

Anyways, yeah, I dig my Axe FX. Anytime someone stupidly bashes something that they apparently don't know anything about, I'm going to say something :shrug: I've actually recommended people don't save up for the Axe and just buy a GSP1101 too (even though I heartily disliked mine).
What kind of way is that to greet someone who apparently has an army of Mexicans backing him?

Anyways, yeah, I dig my Axe FX. Anytime someone stupidly bashes something that they apparently don't know anything about, I'm going to say something :shrug: I've actually recommended people don't save up for the Axe and just buy a GSP1101 too (even though I heartily disliked mine).

Lets not bring shit from other forums in here and start another debate, thats the last thing this place needs. IF youre just here to troll and be a douche then kindly gtfo. If youre here to actually join in shit that goes on around here and be civil then by all means, welcome aboard.
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