Seventh Wonder - Mercy Falls

If you lived in the same town as SwordLord and went to all his shows, you'd be saying "Damn, doesn't this guy ever talk about any other bands????" :heh:

Sorry, I just cannot help it - I haven't been this impressed with an album in at least 3 years. This album is brilliant and I cannot wait to see these guys live. I'm going to be the "7th Wonder fanboy" - I'm going to follow them around and see if any of their brilliance rubs off on me over the weekend. Especially that guys voice, I'd sell my soul to be able to sing like that! :zombie:
The moment I heard samples from Mercy Falls, I knew it was an album I would love. I waited a long time to finally buy it, and only finally picked up a copy about a week ago. Basically testing my will power :heh:

Since then, its been spinning nonstop with the rare exception of a few listens of the new Orphaned Land.

This album is everything I knew it would be and more. Just incredible.

Last Tuesday I listened to it 3 and 1/2 times thru during work, then another 2 times at home while writing a report.

And I just finally looked up the story behind the album online, so now everything takes on even more meaning with each listen. Which brings me to my only complaint. If you figured out the story without reading about it online, then you must be a genius. I got the drift, but lost it when the storm comes and threatens the town???. A small complaint, but I wish they expanded the liner notes to include a small summary of the story to flesh it out. It makes sense now, but I couldn't put two and two together before looking it up on wiki.
Start with Waiting In The Wings first, which imo is a more accessible disc.
Thanks. I'll spin this first.

You're not going to like it, Greg. If you try any of their discs try Waiting In The Wings. I'm relatively sure you will dislike that one as well ... just not as much as Mercy Falls.
I suspect you're right. I recall thinking these guys were simply to lite for my liking. Which to your point, likely means a third pass won't help. But given they'll be at PP, I mine as well.