
cedarbreed said:
Is feet-fetichism wrong ?

I can't stand feet. They're the most horrible part of the human body. They looks like some kind of hand that was unfinished, which had a malformation. Reminds me of the foetuses kept in formol in the museums. Never ask me to lick a foot or even a foot-toe. And never try to lick mine or you'll get kicked in the face.
And anyway feet stink. Period.

It's feet-phobia, not feet-fetishism, lol :tickled:

I love licking feet though.
yv said:
Is sex during period wrong?

no, i had one yesterday - as long as u dont do it in a desert or sumthin. i need a shower afterwards.

as long as you dont go down on her during her period. even then - who cares whether s/1 else thinks its sick! :lol: :D
Do you think it'd be better or worse if ALL women had their periods at the same time? Least you could plan for it a bit...
and btw: it seems that if yer a gal, and u leave yer mother's house to live on yer own, yer period tends to shift to yer personal one. up until that, you adapt to yer mum's 1.
so they say..
and there's also the moon...

yv said:
Bitter I'd say.

OK.. and having petting, when he does not know about her period? Is it wrong? And what about him? [if he didn't smell it]
Oh.. life problems :lol:

if he doesnt mind, he doesnt mind. we cant survive w/out communication mate :erk:
i cant understand how people can hate babies. not that i love them and go 'ooooh cutie cutie kiss kiss' and that, but yeah, people who hate the sight of babies make me feel a bit weird.
I like babies but I'm terrified of touching them, afraid they might break. Everytime some one tries to give me one for me to hold I panic and scream 'I don't know how it functions, take it away! :yell: '

But those 6-year-old snotheads I usually don't like that much. Even less when they come in groups :eek:
i hate newborn kids, they're just fucking gross. they're okay when they're proper babbies and not pink rat. Toddlers are more fun though.

"Ain't he cute?? (No he ain't!!!)
He's just another burden on the welfare state"