
a friend to the 2 year old son of a friend:

you're an asshole!

"you can't say that to the little child, he is just 2 years old!", the mother said.

well, what do you think an asshole he is when he's twenty?
Strangelight said:
why is it arrogant?

alrite, perhaps not purely arrogant; 2 things. coz it's something i want to 'change the world' with. and i want kids coz i feel i want to 'define' a relationship i have with someone.

1st: i was brought up in a certain way; my parents did a great job, and they did stuff wrong as well - according to me that is. my dad was one of my best mates, but that couldnt be deepened, coz he died when i was 21. so basically, i want to share what i've experienced since, and pass that onto my kid. that's what i want to be for my kids as well - a source for wisdom, to name it as such. i want my kids to be given what i've been given: freedom, love and opportunities. but in a 'better'/different way my parents did. it's all about redefining parenthood.
i want that, because there are so many people who can be helped with some 'guidance' in their lives. i want to surpass something i have, and what they lack (and be given from others what might be lacking my person). i do that because from a social point of view, which makes me :Puke: at the same time: i find that arrogant of myself.

secondly, having a kid with someone else is the perfect mold of 2 persons. it cannot be more of the other compared to yerself.
i think it's a definition of love, trust and deep personal interaction.
but i could live with the fact if we cant have any (of ourselves). i think i'm quite fertile, but you never know. i could express my experience in all sorts of ways i guess (that arrogance again).

arrogant at times, but 'ey: that's how i feel about it.
Dhatura said:
You're too young to have them anyway :D

is that your thought, or society's? and why shouldnt i be up for it?
i think i'm more mature or aware about stuff (in this perspect) than many other parents, younger, older or my same age having kids right now, or considering.
i know i dont want them yet, coz i've still a lot to learn and to do, but pray; why do you say?
toolsofthetrade said:
wait until u got yer own.
Bambi saying his thing, makes me think he forgot he was an infant himself as well. some suppressed emotions there?

least i didnt pick a name with the word "tool" in it, how freudian :tickled:
But wait, Sarcasm is being directed at me boohoooo, im being opressed for sharing my feelings :yell::yell: someone call the forum police like:erk::erk:

Actualy i'm sure i was as gross as every other newborn, i dont like kids till they're eating solid food at least, or better still 3 -5 years, thats when they're most fun
I just want them before Im old like

toolsofthetrade said:
alrite, perhaps not purely arrogant...

Now when I read this comment of yours, I thought to myself wow, I've never heard anyone talking about parenthood in such an uncheesy, sincere and nice way. I really appreciate that, maybe cause I didn't have parents like you (well, I didn't have any, for that matter). But as for the comment to my silly line, you just made me angry, you're preaching about sarcasm and all, and are ready to take such a sentence seriously when THERE'S EVEN A FUCKING BIG SMILEY AFTER IT. Omg :yell: