Seymour Duncan PU's


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2008

Can anybody help me...

Newly, I use a Seymour Duncan SH-2 (Neck) and a Seymour Duncan TB-6 (Bridge)... Over 10 Years I played with EMG81...

So. my question now:
Can anybody help me to find a good (sweet point) starting position in adjustment (in mm) for this 2 humbuckers... What space between strings and PU do you use? I need a good sound for playing fast deathmetal!

thanks a lot
That depends on your guitar and taste.
IMO it's best as near the strings as possible. This makes them more "alive".
What I do is to hold down the last frets in my guitar, higher the pickups but make sure they don't touch the strings. This makes them more sensetive which gives sweeter harmonics and good feeling in your tone.
But again.. It's a matter of taste.
OR: Try to lower the strings instead of lifting pickups. Or do the both..
Yes, good advice. I try to get mine as close as possible to the strings, then pluck the string and look close to see if it the string wobbles. Since it's all magnetic, I want the string as close as possible to get the largest signal, but not letting the magnetic field of the pickup affect the string.

If you notice the string woffles instead of the nice round type vibration, then the magnetic field is affecting your string and will reduce your sustain. So I back off that just a hair and that should give the strongest signal.

Hope that helps.
thanks a lot for your answers...

My guitar is a Jackson Rhoads RR1T...

Today I tried different heights of the PUs and I noticed that when I fix them as high as possible to the strings the sound was very plashy. Perhaps thats why I playing very, very fast things. So, now I adjust the bridge PU (SH-6) like 2,5 - 3mm to the strings...

Other question:

I can't find a good tone out of my old Dual Rectifier (2 channel). I searched in this forum, but I only found 2 or 3 settings for dual rectis (nevermore), but when I play with this settings the sound is too much bass and not "fresh" enough to hear the characters of playing the fast riffs (also when I damp... Can anybody give me some settings to try for fast deathmetal-stuff? I like the sound of Malevolent Creation, Vitl Remains or Hate Plow!

I also use MetalZone (only EQs for boosting) and TS-9... Is this to much boosting? My setup is: Guitar - Ibanez TS9 - Metalzone - NoiseSuppressor (NS-2) - Amp

Any good settings for them?

With my metalzone I play this settings:
Level: Full
Treb/Bass: 10 o clock
Mid: 10 o clock
Dist: Nothing

Thanks a lot for your help and greets from switzerland

Don't look at the settings.
Just try to adjust and find your own tone. Use the amp gain not pedal.
MT-2/Metalzone is a good pedal. but I think that your amp can deliver MUCH better distortion with the high Gain Channel!
If there is too much bass, then lower the bass at the amp?

I have this setting for my Fireball:
bass: 6/10
mid: 9/10
Treble: 7/10
Presense: 7/10

Gain at my amp is at 3/10. But my Fireball has too much gain. So you might turn on the gain even more. Maybe 6/10?

But it depends on your amp, guitar, ears and cabinet.
Cabinets sounds different. Some of them has better bass responce than others and some sounds darker than others.
So My advise is that you try to find your own settings and learn how to use your amp's EQ system. Knowing how to use EQ is an important thing to get the sound that you like. All guitarists should know that.

I'll try to find my old MT2/Metalzone settings later. But nothing is better than a good amp-distortion. :)
and btw.. Try to adjust the EQ from 0 to 10 just to see what functions they have.
For example turn off the bass to 0 and then up to 10.
Do that with every single knob at your amp. I think it helps a bit.