

Sep 16, 2002
Maplewood, MN
So I'm wondering..everyone keeps on bringing up their picks and speculations. Remember, last year Glenn said "I was within an eyelash of getting these guys" when they backed out at the 11th hour.

All these peeps keep brining up Angra, yet Angra has played PP before, Shaman has not.

Are people not that inticed that the idea of these guys anymore?..or are all the Shaman people just hiding right now out of pessimism that it doesn't seem likely to happen.

I will say, a friend of mine who seen them live and lives in Sao Paulo told me from what she has heard, Europe is a bigger priority to the guys than the US. On the other hand, they did I understand play The Montrerrey Metal Festival in Mexico last November..along with a lot of other big names including I recall Twisted Sister.

I'm just wondering if my chances of seeing Mr.Matos sing someday may be like-liest to spend $1200 or whatever it is to fly to Brazil and see them there where they play somewhat frequently, or are they still high on the PP Radar? Could be that Glenn after last year may have lowered them on the totem pole slightly based on that, I dunno.

When Glenn was talking about bands that had turned off his invitation (declined to play the festival), the only band that he actually mentioned besides Fates Warning was Shaman (or Shaaman now, they had to change the name due to legal reasons).

It would be absolutely AWESOME to see them in ProgPower this year, I do not think it would happen though. At least that's what I got from Glenn's post. Being a Brazilian myself who still hasn't seen Shaaman I would definetly be stoked if they got confirmed to play ProgPower....
AngraRULES said:
When Glenn was talking about bands that had turned off his invitation (declined to play the festival), the only band that he actually mentioned besides Fates Warning was Shaman (or Shaaman now, they had to change the name due to legal reasons).

It would be absolutely AWESOME to see them in ProgPower this year, I do not think it would happen though. At least that's what I got from Glenn's post. Being a Brazilian myself who still hasn't seen Shaaman I would definetly be stoked if they got confirmed to play ProgPower....

That is what I got from Glen's post as well. I for one would love to see them.
DarkTide said:
Am I the only one who does not like Matos's voice? I find him rather unlistenable.

Nope, you're not alone...there are many people that don't like his voice...

If you actually know all of his work and fame around the world, you would aggree that he's among the top notch of power metal singers in the world. I personally thinks that Andre is only one level below singers like Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford, Geoff Tate and others....

Andre has one little problem though. I've seen videos and bootlegs of him singing live and apparently he lacks on some higher notes... They don't sound very powerful when sung live...
Matos' voice is an acquired taste. Kinda like semen. Once it's shot into your face, you got no choice but to like it.

Holy crap that was DRRRRTY!

I'm jonesing for a Shaman fix. I need a new album, or I need to copy the DVD's live audio onto two CD's, or something. Cuz there's some of the best songwriting and arrangement by those guys, that I've ever heard. And their DVD was complete SHIT for a visual representation of them.

Yes. Seriously. At first, I loved the concert! But then, I watched Operation:Livecrime just before Queensryche came through here, and I then popped Shaman in to watch that afterwards cuz I just didn't want to fall asleep yet. And I realised....

...the video director for Shaman's show was FUCKIN RETARDED!!! So many moments where the camera was on the wrong guy, so many stupid angles, so many bad shots, and they obviously edited out TONS of material, and even the levitating drumset, and DAMNIT it just pisses me off that a video a decade old is far better than something just recently produced.

Therefore I must see Shaman live. Now.

Right now.


(that's a Brasilian joke, not a typo)
Soundscape said:
I will say, a friend of mine who seen them live and lives in Sao Paulo told me from what she has heard, Europe is a bigger priority to the guys than the US. On the other hand, they did I understand play The Montrerrey Metal Festival in Mexico last November..along with a lot of other big names including I recall Twisted Sister.


Yes.. Shaman played here, in Monterrey Metal Fest I
opening to big names like Quiet Riot, Dokken, Dio, Twisted Sister

The Shaman's Show, was very good, the band very friendly and powerful alive, but it's right, Matos lacks on some higher notes.. perhaps for the rain and cold (the auditorium, it's partial open air, like some verizon wireless in USA) because when they open to Rhapsody 3 years ago in Mexico City, the Matos's voice sounded better.

I like Shaman, but to be honest, i will prefer Angra :headbang:
i cross my fingers and hope angra is one of the 2 remaining bands.

anyway.. i think, Glenn said , that Shaman declined the offer, Also Fates Warning.

regards :wave:
Shaman is the last band on my list of bands to see in my Top 10 (other than the defunct Soundscape).

I guess I understand why Glenn wouldn't be as high on them after last year. But to me they are a Prog Band. Andre is a Prog singer, and they do music as they did in Angra when he was in Angra that is one-of-a-kind. He has the best soprano voice I've ever heard. Now live, I'll give you he's not as good, but he still beats most singers to me.

But who knows..maybe they'll play somewhere else or find their way onto the PP roster another year...or someday I will make it Brazil to see them.

I understand they do have a new album out this year as well, but I don't understand Portugese so I dunno the exact details.

Bryan316 said:
Matos' voice is an acquired taste. Kinda like semen. Once it's shot into your face, you got no choice but to like it.

Were you raised by an evil stepfather...or do you find this to be a frequent occurrence in your daily regimen...?
Glenn says he lost this band for the second time, so that would be either Vanden Plas or Shaman, unless I misunderstood what he meant.

We're talking the 3rd slot band here, because he lost a 3rd slot too this year, remember?
Yeah, but that was a returning band... So I'm shooting for Mercenary or Vanden Plas...

And he mentioned that he lost the band because he had lost a band before... Not necessarily that it was the same band for the second time... =P

and it's SHAAMAN now!!!!
[...the video director for Shaman's show was FUCKIN RETARDED!!! So many moments where the camera was on the wrong guy, so many stupid angles, so many bad shots, and they obviously edited out TONS of material, and even the levitating drumset, and DAMNIT it just pisses me off that a video a decade old is far better than something just recently produced.

Therefore I must see Shaman live. Now.

Right now.


(that's a Brasilian joke, not a typo)[/QUOTE]

Damn. I was going to buy that DVD. After hearing your thoughts on it I'm not so sure now. Ritual is a great album and I was hoping they would play PP this year or tour the States but I guess it's never going to happen.

É oficial. Junto com o novo álbum, nova gravadora, nova turnê e diversos outros preparativos, a banda ingressa 2005 com uma alteração em seu nome, por uma questão de marcas e patentes.

A mudança na grafia é mínima, apenas uma nova vogal "a" foi acrescentada. Não há diferença na sonoridade ou pronúncia: fala-se "Shaman" do mesmo jeito. Para certificar-se da escolha, a banda chegou até a consultar um xamã de verdade (!)...

O CD "Reason" vem com 10 faixas inéditas (incluindo uma versão cover dos anos 80) e sai no Brasil em Março, pela Deck Disc.

Pedimos que em caso de dúvidas, pedidos de entrevistas e press kits entrem em contato conosco.

I don't know or understand portugese, but from talking to my friend whose from Brazil, it basically says they have changed their name to Shaaman with 2 a's for legal reasons but it's pronounced the same.

Also, they have a new album out later this month called Reason it says there, but it's being released in Japan only. It's coming out in Brazil in May I guess.

here's a tracklisting


01. Turn Away
02. Reason
03. More
04. Innocence
05. Scarred Forever
06. In the Night
07. Rough Stone
08. Iron Soul
09. Trail of Tears
10. Born to Be

As for the US..Ken Golden of the The Lasers Edge likely will have it, may try and contacting him soon in fact. Likely, the Brazilian distribution would be where he would get it so there's a good chance it'll be May for him too.

If anyone who knows Portugese knows anything more or different, please pass it along. I guess the people involved with the Metal Fest in my hometown "Minneapolis Mayhem" were trying to have Shaaman come play, but they are not easy to get ahold of.

btw- I did just get ahold of a couple of leaked mp3's..hehe \m/

The problem with Shaman is that there's no way to shut off that "compare them to Angra" reflex. The guitars in Shaman just don't measure up in the comparison. The tribal stuff is cool, but not enough to make the disc.
