
I would definately like to see Shaman (Shaaman?) at Progpower at some point. I suppose at least for now there's always next year right? :D
As for the DVD filming complaints, I see that alot lately. I've always thought there has been a longstanding disconnect between music fans & video directors, and I don't see it going away. I too get pissed when I see the singer being filmed when the guitarist is soloing, stupid camera angles, going to a meaningless interview segment during an important part of a song etc. I just think these directors & editors need to go online & read the buzz on their work. Many of them are too arty for their own good, but more importantly for the fans good, and their obvious lack of music and band knowledge is sometimes embarrassing and even ridiculous at times.

Soundscape said:
So I'm wondering..everyone keeps on bringing up their picks and speculations. Remember, last year Glenn said "I was within an eyelash of getting these guys" when they backed out at the 11th hour.

All these peeps keep brining up Angra, yet Angra has played PP before, Shaman has not.

Are people not that inticed that the idea of these guys anymore?..or are all the Shaman people just hiding right now out of pessimism that it doesn't seem likely to happen.

I will say, a friend of mine who seen them live and lives in Sao Paulo told me from what she has heard, Europe is a bigger priority to the guys than the US. On the other hand, they did I understand play The Montrerrey Metal Festival in Mexico last November..along with a lot of other big names including I recall Twisted Sister.

I'm just wondering if my chances of seeing Mr.Matos sing someday may be like-liest to spend $1200 or whatever it is to fly to Brazil and see them there where they play somewhat frequently, or are they still high on the PP Radar? Could be that Glenn after last year may have lowered them on the totem pole slightly based on that, I dunno.
