Shameless self promotion ... my "band" Shadowdance

Awwwwww ... you guise are awesome :D
Good stuff! I'm really enjoying this! The guest playing is really excellent as well. Listening to the songs, I can hear a few of your influences (Helloween, Gamma Ray, Riot, King Diamond(?), Nocturnal Rites). Good work on everyone's part! And yeah...that bass sound is awesome.
^ Pretty spot on except with King Diamond :)

Glad you're liking it man. Yeah we all know Felix is a badass guitarist and he really killed it with his guest solo. The guy on track 3 is just a long time buddy of mine from a local Sabbath tribute band and well, Santeri is Santeri :p

No way I can do monster vocals like Marco so it was awesome having him bring the brootz!