Sharing Blackbird Studio D pics and SNR/Kick SAMPLE!

Those storage racks are just in rentals. There are tons of units sitting in another storage area near Studio A. You guys should see the mic locker...
The Studios are odd lettered. A and D are the big ones, the smaller ones are placed everywhere. I did indeed see the entire mic, equipment, amp and drum, and off limit lockers along with all the studios including Massenberg's room. Absolutely incredible. We're working exclusively our of Blackbird for tracking now.
Mikaël-ange;10053231 said:
What signal chain was used for both kick and snare btw?
+1 Would be interesting to know. Again, I would really like to know what model the kick drum is if you still know it.
one of the greatest sounding snares ever. amazing!
did the snare sound like that in real life too or was a lot of post processing involved?
Glad you guys like the snare! There was a little post processing but mostly it rocked on the way in. We track with compression and some EQ and find it really helps everything. The chain was Vintech X73--API Legacy+ EQ(patchable)--Distressor---Neve tape sim--Protools. Kick was blackbird's as well but not sure on it too much. There was post processing on it but can't remember the chain. Pretty sure is was the same as snare. All about the distressors my friends! I have another snare we did I"m editing now. ALL VELOCITIES!