Sharing Blackbird Studio D pics and SNR/Kick SAMPLE!

Ok.. If someone still has it feel free to share. I just don't have a copy anymore to share. I love how I give something away 2 years before I ever thought of selling samples and because I don't have it anymore, I'm suddenly attacked for it. Such is life.

Just to clarify; that comment was a sincere compliment ;)
I personally don't think RevoltStudios should be blamed for not having these samples after 2 years. I was just curious to see if anyone still has these samples.
I might have them on my other computer. I'll have to check later.

If I remember right it was something around 5 hard hits only. I have the song it was used on. Sounds alright, but I always hate listening to stuff even a year ago. Things sure do change!
They definitely do.

Found it. 3 hard hits. I re-uploaded it to my own dropbox. Just tell me if you want it down for any reason at all. Great sounding snare.

Ah the Iron snare sound. It appears the pictures on the first post don't work so here they are again since this thread's been bumped.





Also worked in studio B.





And studio G (or h?)

