Sharing music on IRC

Vox Stellarum

Apr 30, 2003
Do any of you use IRC...? I have to d/l most of my music, cos i dont get most of the stuff i listen to in the stores.... a lot of you seem to be using dc++ ... is it better than IRC ...?

If anyone wants to share music, i'm usually on PhazeNet or EFNet...(theres some problem with undernet, i get a 'Bad Username' error, so i havent been able to connect for the past few days)
I use DC++. The only issue I have is having to do a "get file list" when I search to test speeds so I can take advantage of the cable. The type of connection listed doesn't ever really mean anything, some people I get less than a kb/s from, and some I get 200kb/s.
ænimated said:
I've never found much music on IRC, even the more mainstream stuff is hard to find.

Use DC++ or BitTorrent.

youre just not using the right server/channel. dc++ and irc are about the same, it's all about the right hub/channel.
lol not enough music on irc? irc peeps get the albums before any of you p2p kiddies get. most people in the right channels and servers work for the recording companies and just share what they got.

i never had a problem finding any song on irc...ever.
HardSide said:
lol not enough music on irc? irc peeps get the albums before any of you p2p kiddies get. most people in the right channels and servers work for the recording companies and just share what they got.

i never had a problem finding any song on irc...ever.

Yep, he's right, IRC is definately the way to go to find all your music. However if you can't find a good server or channel, then you're out of luck. It's not that difficult though, filter your channel search results on big servers such as EFnet or Undernet, and you're bound to find what you're looking for.

Bittorrent is a good way to download mainstream stuff........ I use since the fall of Suprnova, it hasn't been hit by the MPAA/RIAA yet, surprisingly, so enjoy it while it lasts.

As for IRC, I'm usually on Rizon ( 6660-6669,7000), in #thefoundry
It's a very small channel, with a wide variety of albums to download from the dedicated sources - I do serve there myself now and then. But like Merci said above, people on IRC are mostly leechers, so don't fall into the majority; share your files.

As for DC++, I've never tried it.... and probably won't, because I'll never need to. IRC will always exist, and file sharing will never be stopped via IRC.
KorSare said:
Yep, he's right, IRC is definately the way to go to find all your music. However if you can't find a good server or channel, then you're out of luck. It's not that difficult though, filter your channel search results on big servers such as EFnet or Undernet, and you're bound to find what you're looking for.

Bittorrent is a good way to download mainstream stuff........ I use since the fall of Suprnova, it hasn't been hit by the MPAA/RIAA yet, surprisingly, so enjoy it while it lasts.

As for IRC, I'm usually on Rizon ( 6660-6669,7000), in #thefoundry
It's a very small channel, with a wide variety of albums to download from the dedicated sources - I do serve there myself now and then. But like Merci said above, people on IRC are mostly leechers, so don't fall into the majority; share your files.

As for DC++, I've never tried it.... and probably won't, because I'll never need to. IRC will always exist, and file sharing will never be stopped via IRC.

Yeah i usually go onto Undernet, but off late its been giving me an error('Bad Username')...
I didnt know Rizon had metal channels... r u at #thefoundry with the same nick... maybe i'll come leech some stuff sometime... not to worry, i share my music to... :)
HardSide said:
lol not enough music on irc? irc peeps get the albums before any of you p2p kiddies get.

The hierarchy for music leaks is usually Group -> FTP dump -> Private DC hubs -> IRC channels -> The common serf DC hubs -> Crappy P2P networks. IRC is full of leeching shits.
Christie_fell said:
bittorent sucks for anything other than mainstream shit, and when suprnova got raided I lost all faith.

Most people lost all faith in Suprnova long before it got shut down - things get shit when they become too centralised, like Suprnova was heading towards. Small, private, decentralised networks like private BT trackers, private DC hubs etc are the way forward.