Shit anyone read the Deliverance diary from Opeth dot com?

I imagined that at this point they'd have a big fancy studio and a good place to stay, but here they are sleeping on the floor again, and dealing with some drunk guy and his broken equipment.
That pisses me off. Opeth deserves a lot more credit than they get. Opeth should live in luxury and have everyone kissing thier ass. People like Linkin Park and Eminem should have to sleep on floors and shit because they have no talent. Opeth should be fed caviar and wine by beautiful women so they can relax and help the creative process.

Yes, and now I understand why Mike was so stressed, and bitter about the music, and why he didnt want to listen to it when it was done, the whole experience seemed terrible.
Yeah I read it, very interesting. It sounds like they went through hell and back to get Deliverance done...Mikael sounded like he had gone slightly insane from it all. Sounded like a bitch of a recording.
All I can say is that it sounds like they went through hell. I really hope that Martin Mendez doesn't get discouraged with the band. The statement that the worst part of his career was the recording of deliverance makes me worried.
Well, it probably was for all of them. Doesn't mean anything, I think, since they're so happy with the result.

It was nice also to see mike write a ton of random stuff for the various projects and things. I like how the site content is basically his words, so you know everything's right.
yeah the diary entry really kinda gave you a glimpse into the hell they went through to record the albums... very unfortunate! they don't deserve that... plus, they're only getting paid 1 album, so no gain.
Originally posted by Spinal Remains
That pisses me off. Opeth deserves a lot more credit than they get. Opeth should live in luxury and have everyone kissing thier ass. People like Linkin Park and Eminem should have to sleep on floors and shit because they have no talent. Opeth should be fed caviar and wine by beautiful women so they can relax and help the creative process.


You are SO right.... :(
At least we know these guys are genius, and we give us the respect they deserve...
And if they come back in Lille, I'll give them some French wine, it will be the first step to luxury ;)
Well, hard times produce genius, or something. There's some kind of saying along those lines ain't there? Well anyway, poor Opeth. Poor Mike. you deserve a nice holiday.
Yeh, I read thhe session diary for Deliverance last night..I have read in interviews that Mike felt that the recording experience was unpleasent..I understand this..One day Opeth will have a better recording studio and there fore have a better experience..It sucks that corperate bands and thier labels have better luck due to better funding in the studio..Hials. -l-