short Death/grind song


What it is, Bullhorn
May 27, 2009
Hey dudes Queef.mp3

I just finished doing the guitars and I was hoping you guys would have some tips

Kick - triggered using a sample I found somewhere around here
Snare - 57 on top
toms - the heads were about 5 years old so as much as I'm not a fan of triggered toms I went ahead and did it with some samples I found here too
OHs - two shitty pvm small condensers

but I'm pretty happy with the drums. The real problem I'm having is figuring out what to do with the guitars. Since we don't have a bassist I need to make the guitars fill shit up as much as possible.

for the guitar I quadtracked using:
rg7321 > art eighty/eighty > 57

so yeah, that's about it
there's no vocals cause like I said, I am mainly trying to figure out the guitars and this is a pre-production of sorts anyway; but they'll be your standard grindy high-then-low-then-high again shit

edit: here's another one intelligence.mp3
(with even more mistakes)
I have just destroyed half the shit in my room listening to that, hell, even gave the missus a clipping on the way through!

I dont mind the guitars, suits the punky middle bit really well. When you quad track quick shit like this, you wanna be as tight as a fishs arse. Maybe 2 great takes and a well rounded bass tone would tighten things up. Either way, sounds brutal!:kickass:
nah, I wish I could play drums like that
Danny, my drummer, also plays in nailshitter, and has two solo projects Sekhet Hetepet and Gates of Mourning (which we just recorded)
he is amazing

and this is very tight cause we didnt do it a metronome
I just recorded four takes of guitar as a tone test more than anything
it's my first time using the 7-string ibanez and i brought all the knobs down on the amp and try to get a good tone from the ground up

In about a month we are going to start truly recording
nah, I wish I could play drums like that
Danny, my drummer, also plays in nailshitter, and has two solo projects Sekhet Hetepet and Gates of Mourning (which we just recorded)
he is amazing

and this is very tight cause we didnt do it a metronome
I just recorded four takes of guitar as a tone test more than anything
it's my first time using the 7-string ibanez and i brought all the knobs down on the amp and try to get a good tone from the ground up

In about a month we are going to start truly recording

Listened to NAILSHITTER for the first time last night, after stumbling across them on the VADER site, liked them lots, fuckin great drummer.

Welcome to the world of 7 strings. That low B is hard to get a tight tone with, for me anyway. What pup was in the 7321?
stock and rusty tuned to dropped a through a 2x15 cab haha
and I don't really wanna add a bass cause we don't have a bassist live and I want to to sound as "real" as possible