Should anyone outside of DT should make profit out of DT?


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
I recently found a situation that is really becoming upsetting. There is a widely known page of tablatures called Death warp ( used to be subsection of the catacombs metal tab archive ). Now this is a great tablature page with a lot of very good tablatures from several bands and it accepts contributions. But i do not like the idea of trying to make a profit out of a tablature from a band. There is a famous partial version of the Punish my Heaven tablature avaible and the author openly invites people to buy the magazine that did the tablature. This fact alone is upsetting no one should try to make a profit without the bands agreement. Now on top on that i decided to take the situation on my hands and made a punish my heaven tablature of my own, wich is reasonable different in the parts of the partial version on the magazine and covers just about every detail of the song and even includes duration legend ( note figures ) for those who understand written music ( it is not a 100% correct on all parts but it offers a good reference ). Now i sent forth this tablature to this page and i have no answer yet. I seriously doubt it will get published, not because of my lack of skill ( i already made a silence and the... tab that is good enough for their standarts ) but just because they want to trick people into buying their cheap magazine and making a profit. This should not be tolerated if you are running a tablature page you should be aware than unless you have permission to publish your work from the band and their representatives AND make a profit out of it, you should make it free or not avaible at all but using this kind of tricks is just not right