Which DT album should I buy?

@Wolff: First of all, fuck off :)
Secondly, if anyone's with me he is not malakas (time you should learn how to use those damn greek words with correct grammar) because of the word's definition.
And thirdly, Wolff, fuck off :)

Oh, and did I mention you should fuck off? :)

Siren (apologizing for her swearing :p )
rahvin: well why did you think "It's raining men" was written for??? But you didn't rain then, so I guess I don't think there's a need for that stuff now, specially if that rain is meant to be golden (cough cough)

and as I just want to follow trends.....wolff, fuck off!

fathervic (trendy)
wolffs an asshole 90% of the time i see em anyway.....so I too will join the trend, FUCK OFF! :grin:

Siren.........do yourself a favor and get Projector, if you like the clean vox, the album is one of the easiest listens youll ever have, trust me ;)
Yeah I thought that word sounded a bit suspicious...once again Thanatos' naiveness is exposed by a rather nasty woman....:(
Originally posted by Siren

Uhm, you sure you want to? :p

even though I know the meaning of that word...I wouldn´t mind being your wanker errr malakas if you're willing to teach me :lol: :lol: or maybe I'll be the one who teaches...:lol:
hmmm...............so whats all this talk about malakas and masturbating, has this forum lost its intelligence and resorted to talking about dirty pornographic things? If so..........oh well :grin: Your a lucky man Thanatos :cry:

Final_Vision: Jealous....... :spin:
@fathervic: i've always been positive there should have been a comma between 'raining' and 'men', but apparently there's some sort of poetic justice going on there and nobody cares about the actual weather anymore. i also suggest an exclamation mark just after 'golden' and slightly before 'rain'. :D

@final_vision: well, first you all start to say bad words to wolff, then you complain about the board's standards going down the drain... tsk tsk. :rolleyes:
let's save this thread from pornography. let's talk about... about... uh... the nuclear threat? desertification? clones? greek philosophy? :confused:

rahvin. (victim of mental malakas)
Uhm, what mel probably forgot to mention is that 'malakas' also has the meaning of 'asshole' (swearing).

So Final_Vision, if Thanatos wants to be that, there's no point in you being jealous ;)

@rahvin: do me a favour and don't use that word next to your name or I'll have to slap you :spin:

Siren (getting touchy for improper use of 'malakas')
Originally posted by Siren
@rahvin: do me a favour and don't use that word next to your name or I'll have to slap you :spin:

is slapping a known cure for malaks victims? apparently, it isn't, since i don't know about it. :)

rahvin. (getting touchy about getting touchy)