Which DT album should I buy?


Active Member
Dec 6, 2001
Ok, you people should remember I have ONLY ONE shot, ie I can buy only one album (even though I want them all).
Thus it's got to be the one that will satisfy me the most. Hard, huh? :)

So here we go:
I haven't listened to all songs.
Here is a list of what I have listened to:

Skydancer: Alone, Shadow Duet, Skywards.
The Gallery: Edenspring, Lethe, Punish My Heaven, The Gallery
The Mindz I: Hedon, Insanity's Crescendo, Tidal Tantrum, Zodijackyl Light
Projector: Auctioned, Day to End
Haven Feast of Burden, Haven

I have to say that I love both songs from Haven, plus Auctioned.
I like the songs from The Mindz I very much too.
But I don't seem to be very much into the sound of Skydancer and The Gallery.

I also have to point out that I adore Mikael's deeper vocals, but I don't like the high-pitched ones very much.

Which other songs should I listen to, in order to decide which albums the sound I prefer?
Which other songs are the best from each album?

Which album do you think would be best for me to buy?

Thx for your help in advance :)
You need more songs from Projector! That´s the best album...:D try Nether Novas and On Your Time, that´s give you something about the complexity of the album, also The Sun Fired Blanks

You´ve actually heard most of the songs from the Gallery, and the rest of ´em are quite the same, so if you don´t like them that much, don´t buy it...yet... :)

Buy Projector, then Haven, then The minds I...

I can truly speak only for Skydancer and Gallery (well, maybe little for Minds I), and they're all amazingly great albums.
Can't say much about other albums 'cause I haven't heard a single song from them yet :| I'll get Projector next. Maybe in March or so...

SO you haven't seen Villain's article about DT's discography yet? Then he'll maybe post it here too :)
Originally posted by Qsilver
SO you haven't seen Villain's article about DT's discography yet? Then he'll maybe post it here too :)

I have, but I felt I needed a little more of you people's expertise :)
So far the votes go to Projector. :)
I shall wait though for other people to post hear too.

I just hope the music store has it........... FOR THEIR OWN GOOD! :mad: :D

@phyre: I know the whole "Day to End" issue, I was just curious to listen to it ;)

Siren (thx thx thx :) )
I think Auctioned is very representitive of Projector (which I suggest be your pick up at the moment) since its just an easy listen all the way through. Tho if you liked Haven, Haven is a very solid album IMO as well. I have not heard one damn song off of TMI so cant tell ya there. Skydancer/Of Chaos and Gallery are AMAZING albums, but if its not your style we cant really change that can we? :D . Anyway, Ill concur with our rabite friend phyre and say 1. Projector, 2. Haven, 3. TMI, AND ALL THE OTHERS! :D
I would buy Haven...and slightly save money and buy them backwards....
may be it sounds stupid, and well it sounds so 'cause it is stupid, but that's the way i'd do it!
and yep, Have is the best one for me, then The Mind's I!!!!!!
Now FV why did you have to do this? Like I don't have a hard time deciding already... :rolleyes: Couldn't you just agree with them? :p

Siren (who's way too tired to talk logicaly at the moment)
well you asked :p
and I really like Projector, but find it the most different DT album, so don't think is the best one to pick the first!
and I guess Haven is something between Projector and the rest, some kind of link between them...
well well,don't trust men :p :p
Buy the Mind's I and you won't lose ;)
hmmm since you are going to buiy them all someday,why don't you by sth on the spur of the moment??? i mean just go to the shop and grab one wihout much thinking....(ok,maybe that was a stupid idea :rolleyes: but sometimes it works for me)

~mel~(who is sure Siren is super confused by now....)
bah, The Gallery is the album which made me discover DT and it's still my favorite :)

but i wouldn't recommend it to Siren, since she doesn't like too much Lethe, Punish my Heaven and Edenspring, which are the best tracks of the album (IMHO)
Uhmmm... if you just can't get used to Sydancer.. Then Projector :)

Alfred (frantically trying to decrease the amount of confusion)
Some words about the "representativeness" of the songs you have heard this far, concerning the corresponding albums:


You have heard the closer track "Alone", which is a very sad and gloomy song - and not very representative of the album. "Skywards" is more in the vein of the album's general direction soundwise, but is a rather weak and boring song, IMHO; unlike for example "Crimson Winds". "Shadow Duet" is a majestetic masterpiece, but really needs several listens, before it opens up. I'd advice you to download and listen either "A Bolt of Blazing Gold" or "Through Ebony Archways" to get a glimpse of the more beautiful side of Skydancer and not make your mind before that.

The Gallery:

You have heard both the obvious ear-catchers, "Punish My Heaven" and "Lethe" and if they really didn't touch you deeply, this album probably won't be your favorite ever. "Edenspring" and "The Gallery" are also rather representative of the album, so there are really not many songs left that I would recommend you. Perhaps the shorter and deeply melodic "Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew" could hold your interest, but I can hardly see anyone buying an album for a single song...

The Mind's I:

Here I must warn you - "Hedon" and "Insanity's Crescendo" are not similar to the other songs of the album. The rest of the songs are very different, being shorter and more brutal in various ways. You have already heard "Tidal Tantrum", which for me represents the better portion, and "Zodijackyl Light", which for me represents the crappier part. I would recommend for you to download both the opening track "Dreamlore Degenerate" and the excellent "Still Moving Sinews" - they should give you a fair taste of the album.


As mentioned before, your selection of songs for this album is very narrow. I go alongside with Phyre and recommend songs like "To a Bitter Halt" and "Nether Novas" - listen to them and if you love them, you should like the rest of the songs as well.


Here your selection is again very narrow - "Feast of Burden" is the fastest song of the album and "Haven" one of the calmest. To get a better picture, I'd advice you to download "Not Built to Last" and perhaps "Rundown", for they are both very good songs and represent well the new sound of the band.

-Villain (who just learned to use bold, italic and underline)
First of all, I didn't say I don't like The Gallery songs. I really like Lethe, and then Edenspring. But I just prefer songs like Haven.

I have listened to a few more, I'll follow Phyros' and Villain's advice on which other songs to listen to :)

I'm not very confused, I am more between Projector and Haven (but we'll see if that changes :p )

I went to the music-store today, I found Skydancer, The Gallery and Projector. I was this close from grabbing Projector and I now regret not doing so :( I was just really upset they didn't have Haven :rolleyes:

Many many thx to all of you :) :) :) :)
you found skydancer in a music store? Wow, was it the Skydancer stand alone or was it the of Chaos package?

Either way, I say get Projector since its an easy listen.

As for your almost nabbing projector problem, I had a similar problem this week. I was going to the record store to either buy Fear of the Dark (Iron Maiden) or Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (IM), so I get there and they had SSoaSS but no FotD, I was close to walking out cause I wanted FotD bad........but I gave in an bought SSoaSS and am extremely pleased......although I still want Fotd..........

Yes another pointless story from me :D
It was the Skydancer alone. Is it rare? Do you think I should buy this instead??

I think I want Haven badly.. But I'm also afraid that someone else might take the only Projector I found... I'll think about it a little more since I can order any album I like.

Cheers :)