I need a DT album...


Opeth fanboy
Feb 5, 2002
But I'm having trouble deciding. I don't know if I should get The Minds I, or The Gallery. I'm leaning towards TMI, simply because of all the DT songs I've heard, Insanity's Crescendo rocks me the most. Is the rest of the album similar? Should I just go with The Gallery because everyone says it's better? I wanna know soon... I plan to get one of these CDs by the 17th...
I agree, i would buy TMI just for Insanity's Crescendo, that song is definitely a winner. Some good songs on the Gallery too but in my opinion if you want something from around that time go for TMI but i dont have the full CD so im not sure what a few of the songs are like.. If all else fails get DD if you can get your hands on it..:p
Insanity's Crescendo is kinda unique on TMI, featuring more acoustic guitars, and the female vocals.

I'd personally pick the Gallery... Lethe is my favourite DT track, and I love Punish my Heaven and the rest...

but the Mind's I is brilliant too, and if you love Insanity's Crescendo (and who doesn't?) then get it... Hedon, ZodiJackyl Light, Still Moving Sinews, Constant are all as DT classics, and they're all good :)
Originally posted by rahvin
i somehow forgot to add on the rules thread the line if you want to buy a dt album but you can't choose which one, just pick the first you can find. :rolleyes:



That is not totally true tho, I would go with Skydancer and in order from there, but at least get Skydancer :grin:
Well both albums need to be in your collection. The Gallery is more faster and is much more aggresive than the Mind's I but both albums are so brilliant, so you should get both of them !!!
Just start with the one that you feel like buying the most, the one that you perhaps feel you need to get your hands on. That's what i did and i ended up buing all of them (eventually). ;)
The Gallery definitely. The Mind's I is actually the least favorite record of theirs for me. Somehow it just sounds so uninspired. There are some really good songs there, but on the whole I don't like. The Gallery on the other hand is just excellent.
Originally posted by Schraiber
I'm leaning towards TMI, simply because of all the DT songs I've heard, Insanity's Crescendo rocks me the most. Is the rest of the album similar?

Sadly, no - the rest of TMI is far from IC in both style and composition. The other songs are mainly short, fast and more aggressive in approach. While some of them are very good, only one song, Hedon, beats Insanity's Crescendo IMHO.

However, both those albums are essential to your music-collection, believe me. :cool:

so eventually if somebody asks for a suggestion from us we give answers ranging in tone from a shrug and a "buy whatever", to a very personal opinion, to a new-age-like "stare the record in the eyes and it will buy you" statement. :lol:
how helpful we all are! ;)

Hey, with my vague yet analytical replies (took me 6 sms :rolleyes: ) i made a friend buy two instead of one :cool: :grin: