A new DT album ?

@Erik: ya what?! I honestly dont think those albums sound the same... But if they did another album like character, or in the realms of the three you mentioned, Then hmmm, I'd agree some interest in them might be lost, and if not on this album definately the next... but dude, this is DT. They will do something spectacular no doubt. I mean, doing the same thing isn't always a bad thing either... maybe perhaps for morale, but not for the dedicated fans. Take the new Nevermore for example ( :D you know I'm gonna slip something about this album into every post :p).

I think the next album will be out early 2008 to mid 2008... I think it will feature more guitar solos, a couple of electronic instrumentals and an abundance of Technical passages which lead into really heavy beat downs ( :lol: ) . Perhaps this is the time to bring back the clean vox.
More guitar solos would be nice, and also this time please do not mix them waaay beneath everything else? I was happy to hear some cool solos in Character but I thought solos were supposed to kind of take the forefront to the rest of the music, not be buried in effects beneath the rhythm guitar?