Should CoB remake their old Inearthed songs?

The Bringer said:
No, have you heard AYDY? They'd turn the Inearth songs into shit too.

What the fuck kind of statement is that?
Are you completely discounting that the 4 previous albums?
Or are you insinuating that they will forever sound like AYDY and not capable of anything else?
You sir, are an ignorant douchebag. Maybe CoB likes AYDY and if remakes of Inearthed were ever to be released, it may have that style - but to completely write off anything the band does in the future is moronic.

Go home.
Don't worry bringer ill anwser these for you.

What the fuck kind of statement is that? shut the fuck up
Are you completely discounting that the 4 previous albums? shut the fuck up
Or are you insinuating that they will forever sound like AYDY and not capable of anything else?shut the fuck up you jew rat.
Draznog said:
Don't worry bringer ill anwser these for you.

What the fuck kind of statement is that? shut the fuck up
Are you completely discounting that the 4 previous albums? shut the fuck up
Or are you insinuating that they will forever sound like AYDY and not capable of anything else?shut the fuck up you jew rat.

Is that all you're capable of saying? Telling people to stop talking when all you can do is repeat yourself and then further prove you're a jackass by rounding off your post with an anti-semitic remark?
Oh yeah, you done told me.
Listen up you Nazi fuck, you've got as much of a right to say all the dumb shit you want - just like I have the right to prove to people that you and any other ignorant pricks don't have a god damn clue what the hell you're talking about.

And to all the people who believe that your "worth" and IQ are proportional to the time you've spent here or your post count - GET A FUCKING CLUE.
These two douchebags have apparently spent a lot of time at these forums, judging by their post count; but if their posts are any indication, they're still as stupid (if not moreso) than the day they joined.
Fuck you elitist bastards.
Twitchyguitarist said:
Is that all you're capable of saying? Telling people to stop talking when all you can do is repeat yourself and then further prove you're a jackass by rounding off your post with an anti-semitic remark?
Oh yeah, you done told me.
Listen up you Nazi fuck, you've got as much of a right to say all the dumb shit you want - just like I have the right to prove to people that you and any other ignorant pricks don't have a god damn clue what the hell you're talking about.

And to all the people who believe that your "worth" and IQ are proportional to the time you've spent here or your post count - GET A FUCKING CLUE.
These two douchebags have apparently spent a lot of time at these forums, judging by their post count; but if their posts are any indication, they're still as stupid (if not moreso) than the day they joined.
Fuck you elitist bastards.

No one ever said I was better than you or smarter or even an elitist. Like you I have an opinion. If you get offended by a fun comment and everyone else can control their anger, brush it off and have fun with it -- I guess everyone else wins but you.

There wasn't a single comment in this entire thread that would constitute in anyone being labeled as a nazi. I don't know where that came from but feel free to explain.

Believe me, I've been there and back with Children of Bodom and my musical tastes stretch WAY beyond anything you think it is.

If you have no want for opinions then an internet forum isn't the place for you.
Zak1392 said:
I think it would be a great idea. All the Inearthed songs I've got right now are really bad quality, which is a shame because they are really great songs. Does anybody else like the idea?
They remade Talking Of The Trees is the SW days. But they never released it.
And the piano interlude part in Mask of Sanity and the intro chords to Towards Dead End are Inearthed songs.
Poss said:
how do we get the songs in the first place? i searched and searched but they arent anywhere.

Go to off-topic, I posted a link for The Shining demo in the Inearthed thread.