Should have come to Toronto, Scott!


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Okay, Scott, because I just know that you read this board religiously, I can't say that I have much sympathy that you didn't enjoy playing the West Warwick show (as mentioned in the last tour entry).

If you had come to Toronto with Priest like I had begged you, you would have had a much better show, and I could have bought you some Canadian beer! I hope you've learned your lesson when you put together your tour for the new album!

PS - Any other Toronto fans out there?
Scott didnt say he didnt like W.Warwick..Did you read the whole thing? He said it was a hole yeah..but the crowd was great. I was at the show and Id have rather seen them play a full set with tunes like AIR, Metal Thrashing Mad and other oldies than the short set with Priest. And I think the boys enjoyed headling a gig too. So thank Toronto for me!! For giving me the opportunity to see Anthrax rip through a great set 5 minites from my house!!!